Kanye West: Why 2024 May Just Have His Name On It!
Speeding ahead to 2024, as I feel the next Presidential election will prove to be wholly uninteresting and uneventful, the one after that will be anything but. Kanye West is already making this a reality.
I know many of you chuckled when West announced his intentions to run for "President of the United States" at the end of last year and are probably chuckling today in my giving his announcement any credence at all. But frankly, given a little thought, West has a better shot at winning than you or I and, most likely, many of the candidates that will choose to run if, in fact, he follows through on his words. Here are a few of the reasons why:
1. Like President Trump in relationship to his limited entertainment career leading up to his own presidential run, West "has and is" securing a strong following and expanded awareness daily from young voters who will relate, listen and support him. Time is on his side with this one;
2. He is making moves to capture the Conservative Christian vote. Through "Jesus Is King" as well as his widely successful Sunday Worship Services and affiliation with powerful faith leaders like Pastor Joel Osteen, West is raising awareness in this realm, positioning himself to win the support of Conservative Christians and the leaders of religious parties of which he needs their blessing. This doesn't mean that he hasn't legitimately "found Jesus" per se. It just means doing so at this particular juncture can't hurt him;
3. The "Presidency" is much a brand as it is a political office. Kanye and Kardashian know how to build brands and can use their billion dollar tentacles to push their platform, goal, and weight daily through social media, high profile relationships, and more;
4. He's taking small steps today, politically, to make large traction tomorrow. In that, he is crafting a political record of success that he can point to, closing the gap between him and other Presidential candidates as best he can between now and then;
5. He speaks the language of many cultures and I don't just mean "race;"
6. As past Presidential families have risen from less legitimate circumstances, West and Kardashian-West have moved well-beyond "what once was" and continue to grow into forces to be reckoned with and admired on many fronts, including the establishment of a strong and supportive family between;
7. Kardashian-West is on her way to becoming an attorney. First Lady Hillary Clinton and First Lady Michelle Obama were also attorneys...just sayin';
8. It has been proven that the nation is willing to elect the 'outside horse' if he or she is capable of hearing the real under-current/pulse of the nation overlooked by rival candidates. That's a real and rare talent that Kanye West has in spades;
9. West has the ability to reinvent himself well - becoming the role he seeks - while remaining genuine Kanye at the same time;
10. You have to be a little crazy to want the job as "President of the United States" and Kanye is. He's also brilliant, strategic, surrounds himself well, and fights to win. West fuels himself on other's doubt and his super power is successfully proving disbelievers wrong! He beats the odds and has a plethora of examples to prove it (Yeezy being one of them). The toughest person to convince is himself and if he is convinced...watch out! (A Presidential trait if I ever heard one)
And if all that evidence isn't enough, here's one more point to ponder: There is no downside for him to run. He will win whether he becomes President or not. In other words, "Laugh no more, folks."
The word "never" hasn't applied to Presidential elections in the past and I, daresay, it won't in the future. I'd fully expect Kanye West to live up to his Presidential declaration and look forward to watching him as he moves towards it. My only question would be, "What political party will have the pleasure?"
BTW, I predicted President Trump's first-term win well before the majority took him seriously. The writing was on the wall then too.
Originally posted in THREAD MB