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Mankind is strange creation, on one hand we worship the goddess for her ferocity and raw strength, and when she finally comes, we shoo her away as if she is an wild beast trying to engulf the very existence of mankind. We try to first destroy her for our greed, and when she revolts, we search for places to hide to save ourselves from her wrath. She is currently with us already. Let us look at the forms she had taken earlier, and then it will be clear to you what I am talking about.
She appeared in 1968. The pandemic of 1968 was started by a virus called influenza A subtype H3N2. It is suspected that this virus evolved from the strain of influenza that caused the 1957 pandemic. The 1957 pandemic flu virus, or influenza A subtype H2N2, is thought to have given rise to H3N2 through a process called antigenic shift. In this process, the hemagglutinin (H) antigen (a substance that triggers an immune response) on the outside of the virus underwent a genetic change to create the new H3 antigen. Because the new virus kept the neuraminidase (N) antigen N2, it seems that people who had been exposed to the 1957 virus were still immune to the 1968 virus. This would explain why the outbreak in 1968 was not as bad as the pandemic in 1918–19. Even though the 1968 flu outbreak caused relatively few deaths worldwide, the virus was very contagious, which helped it spread quickly around the world. In fact, within two weeks of its first appearance in Hong Kong in July, about 500,000 people were sick, and the virus quickly spread throughout Southeast Asia. Within several months, it had reached the Panama Canal Zone and the United States, where it had been taken overseas by soldiers returning to California from Vietnam. By the end of December, the virus had spread throughout the United States and had reached the United Kingdom and countries in western Europe. Australia, Japan, and multiple countries in Africa, eastern Europe, and Central and South America were also affected. The pandemic occurred in two waves, and in most places, the second wave caused a greater number of deaths than the first wave.
But it is not the first time, she has appeared as the Black Death. The Black Death, pandemic that ravaged Europe between 1347 and 1351, taking a proportionately greater toll of life than any other known epidemic or war up to that time.?Having originated in China and Inner Asia, the Black Death decimated the army of Kipchak Khan Janibeg while he was besieging the Genoese trading port of Kaffa (now Feodosiya) in Crimea (1347). Janibeg threw corpses infected with the plague into the town to infect his enemies as his army fell apart. Genoese ships brought the disease from Kaffa to Mediterranean ports in the west. From there, it spread inland to Sicily in 1347, North Africa, mainland Italy, Spain, and France in 1348, and Austria, Hungary, Switzerland, Germany, and the Low Countries in 1349. A ship from Calais carried the plague to Melcombe Regis, Dorset, in August 1348. It reached Bristol almost immediately and spread rapidly throughout the southwestern counties of England. London suffered most violently between February and May 1349, East Anglia and Yorkshire suffered most during that summer. The Black Death reached the extreme north of England, Scotland, Scandinavia, and the Baltic countries in 1350. The rate of mortality from the Black Death varied from place to place: whereas some districts, such as the duchy of Milan, Flanders, and Béarn, seem to have escaped comparatively lightly, others, such as Tuscany, Aragon, Catalonia, and Languedoc, were very hard-hit. Towns, where the danger of contagion was greater, were more affected than the countryside, and within the towns, the monastic communities provided the highest incidence of victims. Even the great and powerful, who were more capable of flight, were struck down: among royalty, Eleanor, queen of Peter IV of Aragon, and King Alfonso XI of Castile succumbed, and Joan, daughter of the English king Edward III, died at Bordeaux on the way to her wedding with Alfonso’s son. John de Stratford and Thomas Bradwardine, two archbishops, died one after the other in Canterbury. Petrarch lost both Laura, who was the subject of many of his poems, and his patron, Giovanni Cardinal Colonna. The papal court at Avignon was reduced by one-fourth. Whole communities and families were sometimes annihilated.
I feel by now you might have understood that I am talking about the most destructive form of Mother Nature. The Kankalamalini, or better known by all of us as “KALIKA.”
She is currently with us, and her latest form is CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC. Coronaviridae is thought to have two genera: Coronavirus and Torovirus. Their nucleocapsid shapes are different, with Coronavirus having a helical shape and Torovirus having a tubular shape. Coronaviruses are important agents of gastrointestinal disease in humans, poultry, and bovines. SARS coronavirus, also called Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus, is a type of virus that causes a highly contagious respiratory disease in humans. This disease is marked by fever, cough, and muscle pain, and it often gets worse over time, making it harder to breathe. The virus emerged in humans in 2002; it likely jumped to humans from an animal reservoir, believed to be horseshoe bats. For the SARS coronavirus to be able to jump from animals to humans, it had to change its genes. These changes are suspected to have occurred in the palm civet, since the SARS virus present in horseshoe bats is unable to infect humans directly. In 2012, scientists found another coronavirus that could cause a severe acute respiratory illness called Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS). The first case was found in Saudi Arabia, and others were found the next year in France, Germany, Jordan, Qatar, Tunisia, the United Arab Emirates, and the United Kingdom. All confirmed cases were directly or indirectly linked to the Middle East. Of all confirmed cases documented by 2019, roughly one-third had ended in death. The new MERS coronavirus was like other coronaviruses that were known to have come from bats. Scientists thought that bats passed the virus on to other animals before it got to people. Camels were identified as one possible reservoir for the MERS virus. In late 2019, a virus apparently closely related to SARS coronavirus emerged in Wuhan, China. The virus, later named severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), caused an illness known as COVID-19, which was similar to SARS and was characterized primarily by fever and respiratory symptoms. The virus was likewise highly contagious. By early 2020, it had spread throughout regions of China and had reached the United States and Europe, having been carried by travelers from affected regions. In March, the World Health Organization declared the outbreak a pandemic, and travel to, from, and within many countries was severely restricted in an effort to control its spread. Schools and many businesses were closed in many places, and stay-at-home rules were put in place to strongly encourage people not to leave their homes.
She had come to us earlier as SARS and MERS viruses as well, but we just ignored her warnings to back off from over exploitation of nature. Kali is perhaps the most dramatic form of Devi in Hindu mythology. She is naked, with hair unbound, standing, or sitting on top of Shiva, sickle in hand, with a garland of male heads around her neck, her blood-stained tongue stretching out. Chamunda is distinguished from Kali by her gaunt form. She is emaciated, sits on a corpse or a pile of corpses, and has a scorpion for her belly button. This form seems to embody decay and drought. She is associated with dogs feeding on corpses, either in the aftermath of a battle or an epidemic. She evokes despair and suffering. Shiva’s ascetic nature connected him to the wild forms of Kali. If she was nature, which is indifferent to the mind (prakriti), he embodied the mind, which is independent of nature (purusha). Kali wants Shiva to pay attention to her for the benefit of humanity. He is no different from a corpse or shava in his indifference. In the less subtle Tantrik imagery, Kali does not merely step on Shiva, she sits on top of him, intent on copulating with him. Only by engaging with her does he turn into Shiva, the auspicious one. Kali sits on top of Shiva, and gently coaxes him to make love to her, acknowledge her desires and satisfy her. She refuses to be invisible. This literature evokes the consciousness of man, the human ability to be sensitive and caring, the human ability to pay attention to others. Here, nature is also a subject, as are others around the subject. Everybody and everything have a soul that needs to be respected. The goddess is not shy. She simply sticks out her tongue, either in defiance of their disapproval, or in jest, amused that they seek to judge nature, for she is nature, unaffected by human opinions. Here Kali’s tongue is a symbol that mocks the limitations, as well as the assumptions, of the human gaze. It reminds us that nature is sovereign. In nature, sex and violence ensure the survival of the fittest. The human gaze judges sex and violence in ethical, moral, and aesthetic terms. Be that as it may, humans have no choice but to submit to sex and violence in order to survive. In a similar vein, one finds, especially in Bengal, two forms of Kali. one in which she steps on Shiva with her left foot and raises a sickle in her right hand, and another where she steps on him with her right foot and raises her sickle with her left hand. The first one is seen as more fearsome and is called Smashan Kali, Kali of the crematorium. The second one is seen as more considerate of cultural norms and is called Bhadra Kali, who is modest. Smashan Kali is nature, which ultimately consumes humanity. Nature is Bhadra Kali, and she understands human flaws. Smashan Kali is wild and free, beyond domestication. Bhadra Kali offers the strength to cope with the limitations of a domesticated life.
Today, Shiva is fighting once more to save humanity from Kali's wrath by laying the groundwork with masks, handwashing, and social distancing. She has stepped on his chest, as the vaccination process has begun worldwide.
The big breakthrough came when Pfizer/BioNTech published its first results in November. They showed the vaccine is up to 95% effective. The UK is due to get 40 million doses. It is given in two doses, three weeks apart. About 43,000 people have had the vaccine, with no safety concerns. The vaccine must be stored at a temperature of around -70 °C. It will be shipped in a special box with dry ice inside and GPS trackers on it. On December 2, the UK became the first country in the world to approve the Pfizer/BioNTech coronavirus vaccine for widespread use. On December 8, 90-year-old Margaret Keenan became the first patient to receive the vaccine at the University Hospital in Coventry, with 800,000 more doses expected to be given in the coming weeks.
2. Oxford University/AstraZeneca vaccine
Trials of the Oxford vaccine show it stops 70% of people from developing COVID symptoms. The data also shows a strong immune response in older people. There is also interesting information that says that if the dose is just right, protection could go up to 90%. The UK has ordered 100 million doses. It is given in two doses. Trials with more than 20,000 volunteers are still continuing. This may be one of the easiest vaccines to distribute, because it does not need to be stored at very cold temperatures. It is made from a weakened version of a common cold virus from chimpanzees, that has been modified to not grow in humans.
3. Moderna vaccine
Moderna uses the same approach as the Pfizer vaccine. It protects 94.5% of people, the company says.?The UK will have five million doses by the spring It is given in two doses, four weeks apart. 30,000 have been involved in the trials, with half getting the vaccine and half dummy injections. It is easier to store than Pfizer's, because it stays stable at -20C for up to six months.
Durga, another form of nature that is primarily responsible for the upbringing of civilization through it’s governance and protection, is laying down rules to ensure that humanity wins one more time in this battle against Kali to convert her from all consuming Smashan Kali, who is wild and free, beyond domestication, to Bhadra Kali.
Australia's most populous state has announced new restrictions for the Greater Sydney area in an attempt to contain a growing outbreak of COVID-19. Household gatherings will be capped at 10 people and hospitality venues at 300 until Wednesday. Residents had already been told to stay at home. The cases were found in the city's Northern Beaches area, which entered a five-day lockdown on Saturday. In the UK, the planned relaxation of COVID rules to allow households to mix over the Christmas period has been scrapped for large parts of south-east England - affecting nearly 18 million people - and cut to just Christmas Day for the rest of England, Scotland and Wales. The Netherlands and Germany have imposed lockdowns until January. One family in Germany will be able to have up to four close relatives stay with them for Christmas. Austria is set to enter its third lockdown after Christmas. Non-essential stores will close on December 26 and movement outside homes will be restricted. Sweden has recommended wearing face masks on public transport during the rush hour, reversing its earlier guidance.
But what is Kankalamalini trying to tell us in the form of the COVID-19 pandemic? COVID-19 is a reminder that human health and environmental health are closely linked. There are about 8 million species of life on Earth, of which humans are just one. These include an estimated 1.7 million unidentified viruses, which have been identified as the type that can infect humans and are found in mammals and water birds.?Any one of these could be transferred to humans, if we don’t take preventative measures now. The most fundamental way to protect ourselves from zoonotic diseases is to prevent the destruction of nature. Where ecosystems are healthy and biodiverse, they are resilient, adaptable, and help to regulate diseases. Greater biodiversity and ecosystem integrity can help keep diseases in check by supporting a variety of species. This makes it harder for one pathogen to spread quickly or take over. Pathogens, that are passed around among reservoirs in animals is more likely to meet an example of effective resilience–where there is greater diversity. A 2017 IPBES report says that genetic diversity makes animal populations more resistant to disease and lowers the chance that high-impact animal diseases will break out.?Conversely, intensive livestock farming can produce genetic similarities within herds and flocks, reducing their resilience and making them more susceptible to pathogens. This, by extension, exposes humans to a higher risk.
Mankind must stop harassing Kankalamalini, for she is not the form of nature to meddle with, as can be seen in Chapter 4 of the Kankalamalini Tantra, “Shiva then gives a further dhyana of Mahakali, where she has a fierce, fanged mouth, is completely naked, and has three eyes. She sits in virasana on Mahakala and makes a terrifying noise, wears a garland of skulls (mundamala) and has streams of blood pouring over her full breasts. She sways backward and forward, as if intoxicated. In her left hands, she holds a cleaver and a severed head, and in her right, she shows the mudras that give boons and dispel fear. She has a terrifying face, and her tongue rolls wildly. She has earrings made up of a bird's wing and an arrow. "She is served by terrifying, roaring jackals in the cremation ground, and by Bhairavas making fearful laughing noises, and who dance over men's skeletons (Kankalas), making their victory cries.”
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