Fakhruddin Bilal
Project Management Processes and Procedures SME at Hill International (Saudi Arabia)
The process of “just-in-time” stock replenishment was originally seen in grocery stores when shelves were restocked:
It inspired Taiichi Ohno to develop Kanban which applied on the main manufacturing facility of Toyota in 1953.
Kanban is created in first time for operations.
So, in lean manufacturing (which is operations), Kanban is a system for scheduling and controlling the stock replenishment of industry facilities.
Later, based on lean thinking principles, Kanban method was developed to deliver projects.
The idea of Kanban is to:
- work by the teams.
- delivered value to the customer.
by pulling items to be addressed rather than receiving them when needed.
The Kanban Method is less prescriptive than some agile approaches; so, it is less disruptive to be entered for implementing in organizations that do not use Kanban method.
They can easily begin partially applying Kanban methods in their projects then gradually increase application toward fully implementing as per the business requirements.
In management, Kanban is a multi-teams process method that used to manage product development.
The method originally consists of Kanban roles, artifacts and rules.
When it is applied to project management, events emerged but without consensus.
Kanban is used in not complex processes and projects.
Usually, the increment in Kanban is small and not complex.
This reduced the implementation the Kanban events such as sprint planning meeting and retrospective meeting.
Kanban uses sprints approach to deliver working product.
It is run on sprints of timeboxes that NOT equal.
The sprint is a stage where a potentially releasable increment of product (working product) is produced.
Despite these roles are not common when use Kanban in operations, the "Agile Practice Guide - PMI" defined these roles for Kanban in projects.
1. Service Request Manager:
He is an individual that is responsible for:
Service Request Manager better be specialist in the project discipline, not just a client representative.
2. Service Delivery Manager (AKA Flow Master):
The coach for a team and service request manager working in a continuous flow or Kanban context.
He is the servant leader who is responsible for:
3. Development Team:
It is a group of individuals that:
- cross-functional
- self-organizing
The development team should have everything the team shall need to deliver working products without depending on others outside of the team.
The development team is responsible for:
Despite these events are not common when use Kanban in operations, projects nature required to implement some or all of these events when use Kanban in a project as required.
1. Sprint:
It is timeboxed stage where a potentially releasable increment (working product) of the project product is produced.
The increment is produced during the sprint by one or more teams.
Kanban does not use the term "Sprint" but it uses the term "Cycle Time" for the duration of the sprint from pulling the story till it be described "Done".
2. Sprint planning
A collaborative event conducted by:
where they plan the work of the current sprint.
The sprint planning includes:
These three items are referred to as the sprint backlog.
Sprint planning is timeboxed to maximum eight hours for a one-month sprint.
3. Daily Standup:
A brief, daily collaboration meeting conducted by:
In this meeting they:
The service delivery manager and development team can hold other meetings as required during the day to discuss:
Usually, the daily standup is held every working day at the same time and place.
The daily scrum is timeboxed to 15 minutes.
4. Sprint review:
It is a meeting conducted by the:
at the sprint end.
In this meeting:
4.1. the service delivery manager and the development team review the sprint outcome by:
4.1.1. inspecting it.
4.1.2. determining future adaptations to it.
4.2. the service delivery manager and the development team present to the service request manager and selected key stakeholders:
4.2.1. the sprint outcome (the increment) with analysis of: items that done as planned items that not done considering their mandatory deadlines. incorporated changes overcame obstacles
4.2.2. the progress toward the project outcome.
4.3. the attendees validate the sprint outcome and decide:
4.3.1. what items to be categorized “Done”.
4.3.2 what remain categorized “Not Done”.
4.4. the attendees suggest:
4.4.1. adjustments and updates to the product backlog if required.
4.4.2. changes on processes or team if required.
The meeting outputs may affect the product backlog.
The sprint review is timeboxed to a maximum four hours for a one-month Sprint.
Usually, this meeting conducted to discuss more than one increment that developed by various sprints.
5. Sprint retrospective:
It is meeting that conducted by:
after the sprint review where they plan ways to increase quality and effectiveness of the:
The development team discusses:
The meeting outputs may affect the:
Sprint retrospective is a lessons learned workshop.
It should be conducted in trust atmosphere without blaming or judging.
The sprint retrospective is timeboxed to a maximum three hours for a one-month Sprint.
Usually, this meeting conducted to discuss more than one sprint.
1. Kanban Board Use:
It is a project management tool that is board consists of:
Kanban board should have:
Kanban board:
These two ultimately enables identifying the inefficiency point and maximize efficiency.
Kanban boards can range from low-tech (low human interaction) to high-touch technology (high human interaction).
The board acts as an information radiator to anyone who sees it, providing up-to-date information on the status of the work of the team.
2. Work in progress limit (WIP):
WIP limit is the maximum allowed amount of work (measured in stories) in each column in a task board.
The WIP limit for a column covers the "Doing" and "Done" works under this column.
This column is applicable to reach its WIP limit if:
Typically, the development team determines and agrees the WIP limits for each column then revises it as the project progresses.
The WIP limits are determined and revised, in a manner that guarantees the maximum work flow, based on the:
WIP limits target to encourage the culture of "done" by enabling the team to identify "nearly done" tasks and focus on them.
WIP limits make blockers and bottlenecks in a team's workflow visible; so they are urgently resolved which ultimately reduces the development inefficiency.
The development team is responsible for ensuring that all WIP limits are not reached.
If a column reaches its WIP limit, the development team immediately:
If more than one columns reaches their WIP limits, the development team should relief these columns starting from the right-most overloaded column going to left.
Limiting the amount of work in progress makes it easier to identify inefficiency points in the workflow.
1. Product backlog:
It is a prioritized list of work items that the development team shall develop during the project.
It is derived from the product requirements by the service request manager in collaboration with relevant stakeholders such as the:
It is the single source of:
Outside the sprints, the product backlog continually be updated as necessary by adding, eliminating, refining, splitting and/or reordering the work items.
The product backlog update should be upon the service request manager approval.
This process in also known as grooming.
2. Sprint backlog:
It is a list of work items identified by the development team to be completed during the sprint.
It also includes actionable plan that contains activities for delivering the Increment (the sprint plan).
However, it accepts swarming to remove bottlenecks.
It is prepared by the development team.
It can be updated during the sprint the development team but without adding new tasks from the product backlog.
3. Increment:
It is a functioning, tested and accepted product that is a subset of the overall project outcome.
It is described as shippable working product.
The following steps are the ideal steps for developing a product by Kanban method.
As Kanban was originally developed for operations, Kanban did not include all these steps.
But when applied to a project, some or all of these steps are applied as per the project nature.
As Kanban focuses on continuity, they are not typically implemented for each sprint.
In many situations, some steps of number of sprints are joined such as sprint review meeting and spring retrospective.
And in other situations, they are omitted.
The following steps are performed by more than one development team.
But always, in Kanban, it is more important to complete work than it is to start new work.
Step 1:
The project sponsor selects the followings from his organization or contracts with a contractor to provide them:
Step 2:
The service request manager:
Step 3:
1.? The development team in collaboration with
agrees on:
Step 4:
conduct a sprint planning meeting for the first sprint to plan the work of the sprint such as:
Step 5:
conduct the daily standup meeting for the sprint to:
Step 6:
The development team:
- to better delivery.
- towards sprint objectives.
The service delivery manager:
Step 7:
can hold more meetings as required during the sprint to discuss:
Step 8:
conduct a sprint review meeting at the sprint end.
In this meeting:
- inspect the sprint outcome (sprint increment)
- present the sprint outcome (the increment).
- present the progress toward the project outcome.
- validate the sprint outcome and decide on what items considered “Done” and items considered “Not Done”.
- suggest adjustments and updates to the product backlog, project team and processes if required.
Usually, this meeting conducted to discuss more than one increment that developed by various sprints.
Step 9:
deliver the sprint outcome (sprint outcome).
Step 10:
conduct a sprint retrospective meeting after the sprint review meeting.
In the meeting they plan ways to increase quality and effectiveness of the:
by discussing:
Usually, this meeting conducted to discuss more than one sprint.
Step 11:
After the sprint completion, the service request manager:
Step 12:
The development team calculates the team velocity in (stories/sprint) or (story points/sprint) by dividing the:
The team velocity is a factor for assessing the duration of the next sprint.
Step 13:
repeats the steps from step "4" for another increment till all teams complete all work items in the product backlog.