Kameo success story
Dragana Nerandzic
Marketing professional, Business Consultant for SME and Sustainable Development
Kameo is one of the most successful platform for loan-based crowdfunding in Scandinavia, where individuals and institutions can invest in corporate loans to entrepreneurs who, in turn, can carry out a real estate project or develop their business with the help of Kameo funding. The idea of loan-based crowdfunding originates from the UK and is the financial branch of the divisional economy.
Kameo (www.kameo.se) was founded in 2014, was licensed by the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority in 2016 and operates in Sweden and Norway.
Kameo does not think that the bank or other intermediaries should play the leading role in the financial market. Therefore, they choose Kameo name (Kameo is a Nordic version of the English term Cameo role which means that you have a background role).
Kameo is online-based and use technology to streamline all processes, and successfully reduce the distance between borrowers and lenders. Thereby it’s helping investors to get better returns while more property developers and entrepreneurs gain access to finance. Simple, fair and smooth - at interest rates that suit everyone. Together with partners, Kameo team effectively realized over 90 project, and start to be role model for successful FinTech company.
The ZWEBB team is proud of Kameo's success, and fact that the creation of such a successful FinTech platform was entrusted to the ZWEBB company