KALLER Gas Springs work in the most extreme metal stamping conditions.
Mark Duncan
Sales Manager Tool and Die Nitrogen Gas Products, Punches and Dies UK at KALLER
KALLER gas springs work in some of the most arduous environments in metal stamping. The KALLER gas spring shown works in Hot Stamp dies so is exposed to severe contamination, fluids and heat.
If a KALLER Gas spring works comfortably in highly contaminated Hot stamp dies then give us a try for your cold stamp dies, we have many customers who have tried KALLER gas springs and seen fantastic improvements to eliminate gas spring down time. KALLER UK ships all orders from stock here in the UK same day, our prices are competitive, try us to see the extended life of a KALLER gas spring.
To request a quotation please email [email protected] Also if you are not sure we are happy to visit and support you technically again email [email protected] or telephone Mark Duncan on 07712 4066 29 #toolanddie#kaller #presstool#hotstampingdies#automotive#toolmaker#jaguarlandrover#kalleruk