Kaiser must show all of its patiences much more respect no matter where they live!
MS. Kathy S.Robinson, Turner
I enjoy working with children of all ages, individuals, and families to help them acquire skills they need, to improve their life struggles and to help them move forward to reach their goals.
I went to Kaiser last week to have some tests done and see the eye doctor. She said that I haven't been there since 2016. I told her that my doctors won't schedule appointments for me so I have to do it for myself.
While I was there I decided to have a blood pressure test. The Kaiser in Richmond has you take your blood pressure test, covid test and the test for young children in a tent in the parking lot.
This is so outrageous because it was raining, the parking lot that was available was full, So I drove around 3x to find a place and you had to walk in the rain to get to the tents. It was a wide open space foe everyone to use with no dividers to provide privacy. When you are taking your blood pressure you should have a very quiet place with privacy so you can relax. Your blood pressure is effected by noise and distractions. The babies were crying and people were talking everywhere. So naturally your blood pressure will be much higher in this environment. The staff should know better. I always give myself 10 minutes to relax and belly breath before I take this test.
My test was a little high but I didn't let them do it again because there were too many distractions. Kaiser should know better but they want you to take more meds so they like putting you in this kind of situation.
I have moved my care to San Rafael Kaiser because they do not treat their patients like this, they are rich white people. The care is very different there and it shouldn't be that way but Kaiser is very racist in everything that they do!
I intend to file a compliant because I want them to be much more respectful to all their patients. No patient care should be held in a tent outside when Kaiser has so much building space.