Kaiser is a drug pusher and they will get you hooked!
MS. Kathy S.Robinson, Turner
I enjoy working with children of all ages, individuals, and families to help them acquire skills they need, to improve their life struggles and to help them move forward to reach their goals.
If you have your health care with Kaiser please be very careful! Kaiser is a drug pusher and every time you seek help they will provide a pill! There are other ways to treat an illness so get another opinion!
When you arrive to the doctor and the first thing they do is to take your blood pressure that is not the right thing to do because it will be high. you have just looked for a paring place, drove there, you are anxious about seeing the doctor and all these things make your blood pressure go up!
A good medical physicality will give you time to settle in and then take your blood pressure.Kaiser has everyone on drugs and they like it like that! we must be smarter about our care and question their practices before allowing treatment. Research you pills, look for other ways and b in charge of your health!
I America we leave to much up to others and then we suffer and die! We are smarter that this and we must do better. We act to much like sheep about everything!