Kairos Time

Kairos Time

In my book, THE STABILITY EFFECT, I talk about Kairos time. For many Kairos time is unfamiliar so let me explain.

Our society is mostly governed by a form of time we all know about: Chronos or chronological time.

Chronos time is linear and sequential. Clock time is a great example. We know that 3:00pm follows 2:00pm and our 53rd birthday follows our 52nd. In business your financial year end is governed by Chronos time. It repeats every year, is fixed and doesn't care about context.

Kairos time on the other hand, with its non-linear, fluid and context-related characteristics, is less understood, talked about, or consciously engaged with. We might call it opportune or right (not ‘perfect’) timing, and it involves choosing, acting and moving in synch with a greater flow. There’s an interconnectivity with Kairos timing that the linear perspective of Chronos timing does not offer.

In your business, events like beginning new initiatives, launching new products and services, or exiting/restructuring are governed by Kairos time.

?? Context is crucial in these situations and there is an optimum or critical moment for decision and action. ??

Sometimes this means speed. Fast choice and action are needed.

Other times, it is slowness that reaps rewards. Even in the face of pressure from stakeholders for haste, Kairos time may lead you to pause, wait, gather further information and insight.

?? Blocks to Kairos time are rigid timelines, blinkered perspectives, a denial of the systemic process of change (and life) and a refusal or inability to positively reflect and learn. ??

When a leader imposes unrealistic expectations on a product launch or ploughs on with a strategy regardless of evidence of its damaging consequences (for example), it’s akin to controlling a metaphorical tree so that it shed its leaves in summer (or winter) out of time with its surroundings.

Some leaders are wise to the growing significance of Kairos time in the uncertain, unpredictable, unstable world we live in and are committed to learning how to work with it.

Are you one of them?


?? Hello, I'm Amanda Muckalt, and I specialise in helping midlife women in leadership thrive in change and create cultures where others can thrive too. My flagship offer is the EMBODIED LEADERSHIP 1 DAY INTENSIVE for pressured leaders in demanding environments who would like to get more stability and cast iron certainty in their leadership, for where they, and their business, are going next. You can DM me or e-mail me at [email protected] to find out more or book in.

?? Find a free copy of THE STABILITY EFFECT, my #1 amazon BESTSELLING book, HERE, to read more about Kairos Time.

?? Everyone is welcome in the Midlife Magic newsletter. While written for women in leadership as my main client base, specialist area, and authentic lived experience, everyone is free to subscribe, read, comment. Whoever you are, if there’s something here that makes your life and leadership more joyous, impactful and easy, then we’re all winning.

Image by?Couleur ?from?Pixabay

Michaella Brown

Marketing & Communications for Changemakers- I'm a Servant Strategist helping mission-led Speakers, Authors, Coaches and Industry Leaders build positive connections leading to energetically powerful outcomes.

20 小时前

Ooh! Amanda! I can't tell you how much this resonates with me at the moment! That's it. I MUST read your book!

Melanie Gow

I help you cut through confusion and inaction, so that you can make better decisions, faster. Founder Open Loop Fatigue (TM): why the modern mind struggles - Author - TEDx Speaker - Productivity & Business Coach

1 周

The Greeks saw themselves as facing the past so that they could learn from the known. There are many cultures who see time on a wheel or a spiral, there are so many ways in which we can understand time as a construct and I love Kairos time - you put it well here

Lucy McCarraher

Author, Speaker, Book Mentor & Publisher. Founder Book Magic AI, Rethink Press & Business Book Awards. Host of ABOO - A Book of One's Own. I write and inspire others to write books.

3 周

This is probably something we're all aware of at a subconscious level, but it really helps to make it explicit and best of all, give a name to this effect. Naming brings validity - I say this because it's the sort of thing that could be dismissed as 'intuition' or 'illogical'. Thanks, Amanda Muckalt.

Penny Hopkinson

Franchise Operations Manual Specialist, Mentor & Coach Helping Franchisors to Create Exceptional Operations Manuals ★ No 1 Amazon Bestselling Author of Manual Magic ★ Professional Editor ★ Appointed Companion of the BFA

3 周

Fascinating, Amanda. This is new to me but makes perfect sense.


