Kahn + Scarpa at TAMU
Ahmed K. Ali
Associate Professor of Architecture // Harold L. Adams Endowed Professor of Architecture // Director, Resource-Based Design Research Lab (RBDR/Lab)
Join us on April 17, 2017 for a lecture by Maria Bonaiti, an associate professor at IuaV University of Venice. Maria is frequently invited to speak at lectures and conferences at numerous universities and institutions, participates in national research projects, and continuously carries out her research in domestic and international archives such as Foundation Le Corbusier in Paris and Kahn Collection at the University of Pennsylvania.
The lecture will address some historiographical unavoidable ties such as the relationship established by Kahn with the refined cultural environment that revolved around the figure of George Howe at Yale, Khan’s presence at the construction sites beside the engineer August Komandant, and lastly the lesson of Rome learned by observing the Ancient Roman ruins during his journey to the Mediterranean in 1951.
The last thing that Louis Kahn wrote before his dramatic death in 1974 was a poetic homage to Carlo Scarpa.
On April 18, 2017, two scholars on Kahn will be speaking and conversing at Texas A&M University’s Department of Architecture. Maria Bonaiti, a book author on Kahn and a professor of history and theory at the University of Venice (where Scarpa used to teach), and Maurizio Sabini, a professor of architecture at Drury University and editor-in- chief at The Plan Journal.
Join us for an inspirational and critical conversation with Maria and Maurizio on Kahn, Scarpa and the physical and conceptual materials of architecture.