Kafka Summit Bangalore 2024 - Interesting Talks
Last week I attended the Apache Kafka Summit Bangalore (India, along with thousands of other speakers and attendees - 3,800+) and was spoiled for choice with a whole day of concurrent Kafka talks.
My talk was "Superpower Your Apache Kafka Applications Development with Complementary Open-Source Technologies". Now available online here.
Here are some other talks I thought were interesting.
1 Kafka Performance
This is one of my main technical interests, so it was good to see a bunch of Kafka performance talks including:
The talk also included Chaos testing - cool!
Nice introduction to a new Kafka benchmarking tool, the Kafka Benchmark Operator.
A new approach to Kafka benchmarking from Uber.
By Kamal Chandraprakash and Shonali K S
2 Kafka Client Deployment
So, you have a Kafka cluster (probably managed by someone like Instaclustr as a service), how do you deploy and scale your Kafka clients? (Which typically take up lots of resources)
Atlassian's Lithium Platform: Dynamic, Self Hosted, and Distributed Ephemeral Streaming Pipelines
This talk by Rob Englander was interesting/technical about how Atlassian deploy Kafka clients on demand.
KEDA (an event driven Kafka client autoscaler https://keda.sh/ ) seems like a really cool solution to Kafka client deployment.
By a couple of Grab people, Simran Aggarwal and Shubham Badkur
3 Streaming Machine Learning
Harnessing Kafka's Strengths for Effective Feature Engineering in Machine Learning
Very interesting talk by Rohan Sonawane, they even managed to use Kafka connect in the pipeline.
Another cool talk on building continuous models from Kafka streams.
4 Miscellaneous
Debezium Snapshots Revisited!
Nice talk by Gunnar Morling on Kafka Connect+Debezium for CDC.
Hiding Your Data From Prying Eyes
Interesting talk on a Kafka security proxy, https://github.com/kroxylicious
By Sam Barker (from NZ yay)
Given the very busy/chaotic traffic in Bangalore, how do cows cross the road? Easily! They have priority - the traffic magically parts for them as they are sacred.
Given the chaotic roads, I took the train to/from Mysore to see the famous Palace - the 1st class carriage outbound was very nice!