Kafka is a streaming platform capable of handling trillions of events a day. At its core, it is distributed, horizontally-scalable (because of built-in partitioning), fault-tolerant (because of replications), low latency (partially because reads and writes are done at the constant time due to ordered immutable sequence data-structure), commit log (records can be created, but not updated).
funfact: it was created by LINKEDIN as opensource but its mainly maintained by other cloud providers such as CONFLUENT,IBM,CLOUDERA
A streaming platform (stream of records) has three key capabilities:
- Streams of records are stored in a fault-tolerant durable way.
- Process streams of records as they occur, almost real-time with low latency.
- Publish and subscribe to streams of records, similar to a message queue or enterprise messaging system.
Kafka is horizontally scalable, and can:
- scale to 100s of brokers
- scale to millions of messages per second
Kafka has low latency (less than 10ms), which makes it behave like a real-time system.
Kafka allows you to decouple data streams and systems: The Source System pushes data to Kafka, and then the Target System sources the data from Kafka. In this way, Kafka is used as data transportation mechanism.
Because of this, it is generally used for two broad classes of applications:
- Building real-time streaming data pipelines that reliably get data between systems or applications
- Building real-time streaming applications that transform or react to the streams of data
It allows you to easily decouple communication between different (micro)services. With the Stream API, it is easier than ever to write business logic which enriches Kafka topic data for service consumption.
The key reason Kafka has grown in popularity — businesses nowadays benefit greatly from event-driven architecture. A single real-time even broadcasting platform with durable storage is the cleanest way to achieve such an architecture.
Examples of data streams that you can have in Kafka:
- Chat events
- Website events
- Pricing data
- Financial transactions
- User interactions
Kafka’s general use cases:
- Messaging System
- Activity Tracking
- Application Logs gathering
- De-coupling of system dependencies
- Gather metrics from many different locations
- Stream processing (with the Kafka Streams API or Spark for example)
- Integration with Spark, Flink, Storm, Hadoop, and many other Big Data technologies
Some real-world examples:
- Netflix uses Kafka to apply recommendations in real-time while you’re watching TV shows.
- Uber uses Kafka to gather user, taxi, and trip data in real-time to compute and forecast demand, and compute surge pricing in real-time.
- Linkedin uses Kafka to prevent spam, collect user interactions to make better connections recommendations in real-time.
These any many more uses kafka is used also in areas such as traffic control ,tracking cars its so common and should be definitely a tool that you shouls look into
Kafka Overview
Allow me to guide you through everything we will be covering ,the main topics but in laymans language
1. Topics: Imagine a topic as a category or subject in a library. Each topic represents a different type of book or information. For example, there could be a topic for novels, another for science books, and another for magazines.
2. Partitions: Now, picture each topic as a shelf in the library, and each shelf has multiple partitions. These partitions are like sections on the shelf where books of the same type are grouped together. For instance, in the science book shelf, there might be partitions for physics, biology, and chemistry books.
3. Brokers: Think of brokers as the librarians who manage these shelves. They store the partitions and make sure they're accessible to readers (consumers) and writers (producers). Each librarian (broker) can manage multiple shelves (topics) and sections (partitions).
4. Producer: A producer is like an author who writes books and puts them on the library shelves. They decide which topic (category) their book belongs to and which partition (section) it should go into.
5. Consumer: Consumers are like readers who come to the library to find and read books. They can pick books from any shelf (topic) they're interested in and read the sections (partitions) within those shelves.
6. Offset: An offset is like a bookmark that remembers where a reader left off in a book. In Kafka, it's a number that keeps track of the last message a consumer has read in a partition. This way, the reader can continue from where they stopped next time.
7. Consumer Group: Imagine a book club where members read books together. Each member is part of a consumer group. They decide which books (partitions) they'll read collectively, making sure each book is covered by at least one member.
8. Replication Factor: Replication factor is like making photocopies of important books in the library. If one copy gets lost or damaged, there are still other copies available. In Kafka, it's the number of copies (replicas) of each partition that are stored across different librarians (brokers), ensuring data safety and availability.
9. ZooKeeper: ZooKeeper is like the library's administrative office. It keeps track of all the librarians (brokers), manages membership to book clubs (consumer groups), and ensures that everything runs smoothly in the library.
An application, a producer, sends a particular type of messages to Kafka, and these messages are stored in the associated topic (associated with the type of message sent) as records Each topic is generally divided into a number of partitions (saved on peer-to-peer nodes, known as brokers), and is subscribed by multiple consumers-groups (each consumer-group is an application) with each partition read by only one consumer from a consumer-group.
A Topic (similar to a Table in RDMBS, but here each record is immutable) is a category or feed name to which records are published. It is identified by its name and there is no limit on the number of topics or records in a topic. Topics in Kafka are always multi-subscriber; that is, a topic can have zero, one or many consumers that subscribe to the data (records of the topic) written to it.
For example, consider an example to a topic named cabs_gps that contains GPS position of each cab. Each cab will send a message containing cab_id, latitude, and longitude to Kafka periodically (say 30 seconds). The messages get saved as records on the topic.
These records of a particular topic are later received by other applications, called consumer-groups, who have subscribed to that topic.
A topic can get quite big, so it is divided into partitions of smaller size for scalability. We need to choose the number of partitions (such as 8 for small topics and 32 for large topics) and replication-factor (such as the recommended value of 3; note that replications are done on different nodes called brokers with each partition having one of the brokers as leader and rest of the brokers are followers) at the creation time of a topic. Instead of manually creating topics, we can also configure brokers to auto-create topics when a non-existing topic is published to.
Each partition has ordered, immutable sequence of records that is continually appended to — a structured commit log. Once a record is committed to a partition, it can’t be changed and its position can’t be altered.
Records in a partition are assigned a sequence_id called offsets (similar to primary_key of a record in a RDBMS table) which gets incremented for each new message in that partition. The offset uniquely identifies a record within the partition. Kafka guarantees that all the messages inside a partition are ordered in the sequence they came in, but note that there is no such guaranteed ordering across the partitions.
Similarly, Kafka guarantees that the records are read (by consumer-groups) in order within each partition, but again it doesn’t guarantee that ordering in which reads will take place by a consumer-group from all partitions for a given topic. This means that the consumer-group application should expect reading records in order but with a slight offset. This offset can be as high as the number of partitions of the topic. So, the consumer-group application should be tolerant of slight offset in order of each record, or each group of record for which intra-group ordering matters should have some key which should be sent along with each message by the producer.
Kafka stores records for a set amount of time using a configurable retention period (default value of 7 days), such as one day or until some size threshold is met. Consumers themselves poll Kafka for new messages and say what records they want to read. This allows them to increment/decrement the offset they’re at as they wish, thus being able to replay and reprocess events.
Each consumer-group represents an application and has one or more consumer processes (just called as consumers) inside. In order to avoid two processes reading the same message twice, each partition of the topic is tied to only one consumer process per consumer-group.
Producers can choose to receive acknowledgment of data writes:
- acks=0: Producer won’t wait for an acknowledgment (possible data loss)
- acks=1: Producer waits for leader acknowledgment (limited data loss)
- acks=all: Leader + replicas acknowledgment (no data loss)
Unless you need lower latency, it is highly recommended to use the all acknowledgment setting.
Producers can choose to send a key with the message. A key can be a string, number, anything. Generally, it is some attribute, such as chat_id. If key=null, then the messages are sent in a round-robin fashion to brokers. But if a key is sent, then all the messages for which the key returns the same hash (via a mechanism called hashing) will always go to the same partition. This also means that all updates related to given chat_id will always go to the same partition.
As long as the number of partitions remains constant for a topic (no new partition), records with same key (such as a value of chat_id) will always go to the same partition.
This way, the producer can make sure that records related to a particular key are always sent to a single partition of the corresponding topic. And this is important when the order in which records are read by the consumer-group application has to be correct for a given key (such as timely ordered messages of a chat with a given value of chat_id).
Efficiently Producing Messages:
- Kafka is optimized for transmitting messages (a JSON dump) in batches rather than individually, so there’s a significant overhead and performance penalty in producing one message at a time.
- The message delivery can fail in a number of ways, so the mechanism to produce messages need to have automatic retries.
- The underneath synchronous method to produce messages is blocking synchronous call, and hence makes the calling method inefficient.
- So, it makes sense to write a decorator for underneath synchronous method so that messages are actually not sent directly but are just accumulated (such as in Redis) and so return immediately, and these accumulated messages are then sent in batches with retry mechanism to handle failures, after
- every 1 second (or maybe some fraction) or so by a cron job
- or when message buffer reaches a specific threshold
- The decorator should also support different acknowledgments for data writes.
Depending on what kind of data you produce, enabling compression may yield improved bandwidth and space usage. Compression should be done on message sets (who are accumulated in the buffer and are yet to be sent) rather than on individual messages. This improves the compression rate and generally means that compressions work better the larger your buffer gets. Popular compression algorithms for this purpose are:
Kafka receives, stores, and sends messages on different nodes (different servers machines, like different EC2 machines) called brokers. Each broker is identified by its ID (integer), broker.id.
A broker can contain multiple partitions of the same topic (as happens usually), and can also contain partitions from different topics (as happens usually). This is similar to setup on automatic scheduling on Kubernetes Cluster where a server node can have multiple replicas of the same service, and can also contain replicas from different services.
For a given topic, data from each partition is replicated across multiple brokers in order to preserve the data in case one broker dies. One of the brokers is elected as partition leader (leader) or a particular partition of a given topic. It is the node through which applications both write/read for that partition. It replicates the data it receives to N other brokers, called followers or replicas. A subset of replicas that is currently alive and caught-up to the leader is called in-sync replicas (isr). They store the data as well and are ready to be elected as leader in case the leader node dies. The replication factor (replication-factor) represents the number of times each partition will be replicated.
This helps us to configure the guarantee that any successfully published message will not be lost. Having the option to change the replication factor lets you trade performance for stronger durability guarantees, depending on the criticality of the data.
Each broker acts as a leader for some of its partitions and a follower for others so that the load is well balanced within the cluster.
At the time of configuring a broker, we need to set its unique ID (broker.id), the url (and port) it will listen to (listener), and its logs directory (log.dirs).
Consumer Offsets
Kafka stores the offsets at which a consumer-group has been reading. The consumer offsets are committed in a Kafka topic named __consumer_offsets, and are NOT saved in metadata managed by Zookeeper. The consumer offset is the only metadata retained on a per-consumer basis, and it is controlled by the consumer. When a consumer in a group has processed data received from Kafka, it should be committing the offsets.
If a consumer dies, another consumer from the consumer-group will be able to read back from where the previous left off thanks to the committed consumer offsets!
Consumers can choose when to commit offsets. There are 3 delivery semantics:
- (Message is processed) At most once:
- Offsets are committed as soon as the messages are received.
- If the processing goes wrong, the message will be lost (it won’t be read again).
- (Message is processed) At least once (usually preferred):
- Offsets are committed after the message is processed.
- If the processing goes wrong, the message will be read again.
- This can result in duplicate processing of messages. Make sure your processing is idempotent (that is, processing again the same message won’t impact your systems).
- Exactly once: (the gold standard)
- Can be achieved by Kafka => Kafka workflows using Kafka Stream API
- For Kafka => External system workflows, we generally use an idempotent consumer
If a consumer is removed from the group — by being stopped or timing out or losing connection — or if a consumer is added to a group, partitions are rebalanced across the consumers in the group. So the assignment of a partition to a specific consumer may change.
Consumer Offsets are used to keep track of where a consumer group is up to for a given partition of a given topic. The key for a consumer offset is consumer-group:topic-name:partition-number, and the value is the offset within that partition that was last committed by a consumer in the group while processing messages from that partition.
As a consumer group scales up and down, the running consumers split the partitions up amongst themselves. Rebalancing is triggered by a shift in ownership between a partition and consumer which could be caused by the crash of a consumer or broker or the addition of a topic or partition. It allows for safe addition or removal of the consumer from the system.
On startup, a broker is marked as the coordinator for the subset of consumer groups that receive the RegisterConsumer Request from consumers and returns the RegisterConsumer Response containing the list of partitions they should own. The coordinator also starts failure detection to check if the consumers are alive or dead. When the consumer fails to send a heartbeat to the coordinator broker before the session timeout, the coordinator marks the consumer as dead and a rebalance is set in place to occur. This session time period can be set using the session.timeout.ms property of the Kafka service. The heartbeat.interval.ms property makes healthy consumers aware of the occurrence of a rebalance so as to re-send RegisterConsumer requests to the coordinator.
For example, assuming consumer C2 of Group A suffers a failure, C1 and C3 will briefly pause consumption of messages from their partitions and the partitions will be up for reassignment between them. Taking from the earlier example when the consumer C2 is lost, the rebalancing process is triggered and the partitions are re-assigned to the other consumers in the group. Group B consumers remain unaffected from the occurrences in Group A.
How does a producer/consumer know which broker is the leader of a particular partition (of a given topic)? Kafka stores such metadata in a service called Zookeeper.
Zookeeper has a distributed key-value store. It is highly-optimized for reads but writes are slower. It stores metadata and handles the mechanics of clustering (heartbeats, distributing updates/configurations, etc.). It manages brokers and helps in performing partition leader elections (note that elections take place only when they are required (such as a broker containing a master partition goes down)).