K8s CreateContainerConfigError

K8s CreateContainerConfigError

In Kubernetes deployments, troubleshooting can be complex, with various errors and problems that can occur. One common error is the CreateConfigError, which typically arises when a Secret or ConfigMap is missing.

Secrets are used to store sensitive information like database credentials, while ConfigMaps hold configuration details for multiple pods. These resources play a crucial role in resolving issues in Kubernetes deployments.

To identify and resolve this error, follow these steps:

  1. Run this command to list all the pods.

kubectl get pods

  1. Describe the specific pod that is unable to run due to the error: kubectl describe pod pod-missing-config.
  2. Look for the error message:

Error: configmap "configmap-3" not found.

4.Check if the ConfigMap exists in the cluster by using below command:

kubectl get configmap configmap-3.

5.If the result is null, it means the ConfigMap is missing, and you need to

create it by using yaml file

6.Create the missing ConfigMap, ensuring its availability in the cluster.

7.Verify the existence of the ConfigMap again using below command:

kubectl get configmap configmap-3

8.Once the ConfigMap is confirmed, recheck the pod's status by running

kubectl get pods and ensure it is in the "Running" state.

By following these steps, you can effectively troubleshoot and resolve the CreateConfigError in Kubernetes deployments.

#Kubernetes #Troubleshooting #DevOps #K8s #Configmap #Secrete #Errors #containerorchestration


