K8S ConfigMap by Helm limitation

K8S ConfigMap by Helm limitation

After the development of a Docker image we wanted it to be deployed in Kubernetes using different databases as back-end, so we could easily test if the container works as expected. This product we containerized needs some config files and database drivers to be able to connect to a database back-end and the idea was born to use configMaps to contain these configuration files and database drivers.

Project Setup

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The tryout project has the following setup and all Helm commands are ran from the root of this project.

This structure is pretty self explaining (I hope)

ConfigMap creation by using kubectl

Having not worked with configMaps that much the first thing was to determine if what we want is possible. According to kubectl documentation and some experimentation it was pretty straight forward to put the contents of a complete directory into a configMap. As the configuration and database drivers are spread over three different directories we need to create three configMaps. So the command below would create the config map idm-config-conf containing all files from the directory sample-config/mysql/conf/, which are currently two files. The same could be achieved for the directories sample-config/mysql/resolver/ and sample-config/mysql/bundle/ without any problems.

$ kubectl create configmap tst-config-conf --from-file=sample-config/mysql/conf/
$ kubectl create configmap tst-config-resolver --from-file=sample-config/mysql/resolver
$ kubectl create configmap tst-config-bundle --from-file=sample-config/mysql/bundle/

$ kubectl get configmaps
NAME                  DATA   AGE
tst-config-bundle     1      81s
tst-config-conf       2      95s
tst-config-resolver   1      64s

So from the above we can conclude that configMaps can be used to store the needed files and as we are using Helm for deployment we should now be able to configure Helm to do the same. Keep in mind that the bundle directory contains binary files!

Helm Configuration

First attempt

In my first attempt I just created a configMap definition in which I point to the directories containing the files which should become part of configMap, basically similar to what I did for the creation of the configMap using kubectl.

So I created a file configMap definition which reads the files from the same directory as when creating the configMap using kubectl, but the result was not what I expected. The configMap was empty.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: test-idm-conf
  {{- (.Files.Glob "sample-config/mysql/conf/**.json").AsConfig | nindent 2 }}

With the above configuration in place I ran the command:

helm install --debug -f helm/values.yaml idm-idm helm

Which yielded the, for me, unexpected result

# Source: helm/templates/configmap.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: test-idm-conf

After rereading the documentation it boiled down to the fact that Helm reads files starting from the root of the Helm Chart, in this case thus the directory called helm. As you can see the sample-config and helm directory are at the same level. Of course I changed the configMap to try to read from `../sample-config/mysql/conf/**.json` but this also didn't work.

The next thing I did was moving the sample-config directory into the helm directory and then I ran the Helm command again, this time I got a failure:

Error: create: failed to create: Request entity too large: limit is 3145728

So what is happening, this is not what I expected. I ran a slightly changed command to see what may be the issue

helm template --debug -f helm/values.yaml idm-idm helm

But this command runs just fine, it gives an output like this

install.go:173: [debug] Original chart version: ""
install.go:190: [debug] CHART PATH: /k8s_configmaptest/helm

# Source: helm/templates/configmap.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: test-idm-conf
  datasource.jdbc-default.json: |
  repo.jdbc.json: |

The one thing which comes to mind is that somehow the file to deploy is to big, so I remove the database drivers from the sample-config directory for both MySQL and MSSQL. When I run the command again the configMap is deployed without any problem. I also tried to exclude the sample-config using .helmignore, than the deployment also works but the resulting configMaps are empty as there are not files to include.

So including the sample-config directory in the Helm chart is not an option, it results in a failure and personally don't like it as the same sample-config is used by our docker-compose for running local tests.

A remaining question is; what entity is too large?

Second attempt

The second attempt consist of using the --set-file option of the Helm command, it is described in the documentation as follows:

set values from respective files specified via the command line (can specify multiple or separate values with commas: key1=path1,key2=path2)

So in action it would boil down to a command like this:

$ helm install -f helm/values.yaml idm-idm helm --set-file "datasource=./sample-config/mysql/conf/datasource.jdbc-default.json" --set-file "repo=./sample-config/mysql/conf/repo.jdbc.json" --set-file "resolver=./sample-config/mysql/resolver/mysql.repo.properties" --set-file "bundle=./sample-config/mysql/bundles/mysql-connector-java-5.1.49.jar"

Now the configMap configuration needs to change, it should take the values defined on the command line instead of accessing the files directory which contain the files. Also the sample-config can be removed from the Helm chart directory (which means the project setup is as it was originally)

The new configMap configuration should be using the parameters defined on the command line as mentioned before, so after making the change the configMap configuration looks like this

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: test-idm-conf
    {{ toJson .Values.datasource }}
    {{ toJson .Values.repo }}
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: test-idm-resolver
    {{- .Values.resolver | nindent 4 }}
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: test-idm-bundle
  mysql-connector-java-5.1.49.jar: {{ .Values.bundle | b64enc }}

Now when the above helm command is ran I get the following error message

Error: create: failed to create: Request entity too large: limit is 3145728
helm.go:81: [debug] Request entity too large: limit is 3145728
create: failed to create

Something is to big, but what? When using the kubectl command to create the configMaps there was no issue at all, so it must be something Helm related. I tried to rerun the previous command but now added the --dry-run option to see how the resulting YAML would look. This gave me another error

NAME: idm-idm
LAST DEPLOYED: Thu May 20 13:31:28 2021
NAMESPACE: default
STATUS: pending-install
Error: unable to write YAML output: error converting JSON to YAML: yaml: control characters are not allowed
helm.go:81: [debug] error converting JSON to YAML: yaml: control characters are not allowed
unable to write YAML output

So what is the cause of the first error, is it caused by the resulting YAML which seems to be invalid? So I removed the test-idm-bundle configMap from the definition and ran the same command again (without the --dry-run thus) which gave me the following error

Error: create: failed to create: Secret "sh.helm.release.v1.idm-idm.v1" is invalid: data: Too long: must have at most 1048576 bytes
helm.go:81: [debug] Secret "sh.helm.release.v1.idm-idm.v1" is invalid: data: Too long: must have at most 1048576 bytes
create: failed to create

Now the error has changed, so let's run that command again but then including the --dry-run option, this resulted in the 'unable to write YAML output' again. One thing I decided to do at this point was to clean up the Helm command, thus removing the unused part `--set-file "bundle=./sample-config/mysql/bundles/mysql-connector-java-5.1.49.jar`. Now running the altered command

helm install --debug -f helm/values.yaml idm-idm helm --set-file "datasource=./sample-config/mysql/conf/datasource.jdbc-default.json" --set-file "repo=./sample-config/mysql/conf/repo.jdbc.json" --set-file "resolver=./sample-config/mysql/resolver/mysql.repo.properties"

which finally ran successful and when checking which configMaps exists I see the ones I expected, meaning the command succeeded.

$ kubectl get configmaps
NAME              DATA AGE
kube-root-ca.crt  1    20d
test-idm-conf     2    48s
test-idm-resolver 1    49s

So there must be some size limitation, or something is limiting size when using Helm to deploy larger files (maybe even larger Charts).

Lessons learned

What I learned from this is:

  1. Helm by default expects files to be placed in the root of the helm configuration directory
  2. That you can create configMaps containing binary files, next to for example property files.
  3. These binary files are located under a different section, called binary-data (instead of the section called data)
  4. There is a limit to the size of the (binary) data to be put in a configMap when using Helm, by the looks of the error it seems Helm is using a Secret to store information and a Secret is limited to a size of 1MB (some more information regarding this can be found here and here)
  5. There is also a size limit for the configMap itself, it also can contain only 1 MB of data
  6. The --set-file from the command line become values in the resulting YAML, thus even when the file is not used in the configMap the file contents is somehow part of the package and gets deployed causing a failure when breaching the limit (kind of guessing this)
  7. Indentation is an important thing (had many invalid YAML's when trying stuff out)

So in the end I was not able to achieve what I wanted to achieve, having a configMap created from a Helm chart containing configuration items needed to be able to run a product successfully.

So other options to make it work would be to either create the configMaps manually (either upfront or from a deploy pipeline) and in the Helm Chart decide which configMap to use or create an initContainer which places the files in the right location so the product can pick them up.

Environment setup

I setup the minikube environment using the following command:

$ minikube start --memory=5000 --cpus=3 --disk-size=40g --vm-driver=virtualbox --bootstrapper kubeadm --kubernetes-version=1.21.1

The versions of the tools I used are:

  • minikube version: v1.20.0
  • helm version: version.BuildInfo{Version:"v3.5.4", GitCommit:"1b5edb69df3d3a08df77c9902dc17af864ff05d1", GitTreeState:"dirty", GoVersion:"go1.16.3"}
  • kubectl version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"21", GitVersion:"v1.21.0", GitCommit:"cb303e613a121a29364f75cc67d3d580833a7479", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2021-04-08T21:15:16Z", GoVersion:"go1.16.3", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"darwin/amd64"}
  • Kubernetes version : version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"21", GitVersion:"v1.21.1", GitCommit:"5e58841cce77d4bc13713ad2b91fa0d961e69192", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2021-05-12T14:12:29Z", GoVersion:"go1.16.4", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}


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