k-mean clustering in security domain
? Clustering:-
Clustering?is one of the most common exploratory data analysis technique used to get an intuition about the structure of the data. It can be defined as the task of identifying subgroups in the data such that data points in the same subgroup (cluster) are very similar while data points in different clusters are very different. In other words, we try to find homogeneous subgroups within the data such that data points in each cluster are as similar as possible according to a similarity measure such as euclidean-based distance or correlation-based distance. The decision of which similarity measure to use is application-specific.
Clustering analysis can be done on the basis of features where we try to find subgroups of samples based on features or on the basis of samples where we try to find subgroups of features based on samples. We’ll cover here clustering based on features. Clustering is used in market segmentation; where we try to find customers that are similar to each other whether in terms of behaviors or attributes, image segmentation/compression; where we try to group similar regions together, document clustering based on topics, etc.
Unlike supervised learning, clustering is considered an unsupervised learning method since we don’t have the ground truth to compare the output of the clustering algorithm to the true labels to evaluate its performance. We only want to try to investigate the structure of the data by grouping the data points into distinct subgroups.
In this post, we will cover only?Kmeans?which is considered as one of the most used clustering algorithms due to its simplicity.
? K-means Algorithm :-
K-means?algorithm is an iterative algorithm that tries to partition the dataset into?Kpre-defined distinct non-overlapping subgroups (clusters) where each data point belongs to?only one group. It tries to make the intra-cluster data points as similar as possible while also keeping the clusters as different (far) as possible. It assigns data points to a cluster such that the sum of the squared distance between the data points and the cluster’s centroid (arithmetic mean of all the data points that belong to that cluster) is at the minimum. The less variation we have within clusters, the more homogeneous (similar) the data points are within the same cluster.
The way kmeans algorithm works is as follows:
? Now Let's Understand The K-Means Algorithm With the help of example:-
A pizza chain wants to open its delivery centres across a city. What do you think would be the possible challenges?
Resolving these challenges includes a lot of analysis and mathematics. We would now learn about how clustering can provide a meaningful and easy method of sorting out such real life challenges.
?let’s consider the above problem and see how we can help the pizza chain to come up with centres based on K-means algorithm.
? Use-Case : Cyber Profiling using K-Means Clustering
? Cyber Profiling :-
The idea of cyber profiling is derived from criminal profiles, which provide information on the investigation division to classify the types of criminals who were at the crime scene. Profiling is more specifically based on what is known and not known about the criminal. Profiling is information about an individual or group of individuals that are accumulated, stored, and used for various purposes, such as by monitoring their behavior through their internet activity . Difficulties in implementing cyber profiling is on the diversity of user data and behavior when online is sometimes different from actual behavior. Given the privilege in personal behavior, inductive generalizations can be very reliable but can also lead to a misunderstanding of behavior analysis. Therefore the cyber-profiling process is via a combination of deductive and inductive methods. For investigation, the cyber-profiling process gives a good, contributing to the field of forensic computer science. Cyber Profiling is one of the efforts made by the investigator, to know the alleged offenders through the analysis of data patterns that include aspects of technology, investigation, psychology, and sociology.?
??Cyber Profiling process can be directed to the benefit of:
? Identification of users of computers that have been used previously.
? Mapping the subject of family, social life, work, or network-based organizations, including those for whom he/she worked.
? Provision of information about the user regarding his ability, level of threat, and how vulnerable to threats
? Identify the suspected abuser
The process of profiling against criminals often also known as cyber-criminal profiling criminal investigation or analysis. Criminal profiles generated in the form of data on personal traits, tendencies, habits, and geographic-demographic characteristics of the offender (for example: age, gender, socioeconomic status, education, origin place of residence). Preparation of criminal profiling will relate to the analysis of physical evidence found at the crime scene, the process of extracting the understanding of the victim (victimology), looking for a modus operandi (whether the crime scene planned or unplanned), and the process of tracing the perpetrators were deliberately left out (signature). The new approach to cyber profiling is to use clustering techniques to classify the Web-based content through data user preferences. This preference can be interpreted as an initial grouping of the data so that the resulting cluster will show user profiles. User profiling can be seen as the conclusion of the interests of users, intentions, characteristics, behavior and preferences. User profiles are created for a description of the background knowledge of the user. User profile represents a concept model which is owned by the user when searching for information web.
An initial value is determined based on the data that have the highest value, the median value, and the smallest value. Those values are at the center of the initial cluster that will be followed in the process of "K-Means".?
The new centroid calculations will continue to do (iteration) until the discovery of iterations where centroid result is the same as the results of the previous centroid.
The results of clustering details will be explained as follows:
? Cluster-1. On the results of clustering that has been done, the first cluster has as much data as 1467 records. The first cluster has the most members, but this cluster has a value which is below the overall average of the data studied. In the first cluster has a data value in the range of 1-10, because in this cluster of existing data has a low level of traffic. Thus, cluster unity categorized on the website that has the least traffic from another cluster.
? Cluster-2. In the second cluster, members who entered at this cluster of some 126 records. The value of the results of the second cluster is in the range 11-31. This value indicates that the members of the second cluster have a medium level visits, because it has a higher value than the average value generated by clustering. Thus, the second cluster of clusters categorized as having moderate traffic levels.
?Cluster-3. On the results of the third cluster, cluster members who sign on as many as 33 records. The results of this third cluster have the fewest number of members in comparison with other clusters, but the members of this cluster have the highest value of the data that has been generated. The value in this cluster is in the 34-63 range, pointing to a result that the third cluster has a value far above average. Thus, the third cluster is categorized as a cluster that has the highest traffic levels.
? Analysis Results :-
In this study, the algorithm?K-Means?clustering has been implemented to perform in line with expectations. In the early stages of primary data obtained containing information about the websites accessed by users via the internet. In addition to the data contained informative website also contains data that updates to the operating system, the update of the web browser, and website advertising that usually appears as a pop-up.
Based on the results of the?K-Means?as shown in above Figure indicate that each cluster obtained having a different number of significant cluster members. In the first cluster have shown low levels of traffic, but has some websites most. Data on the first cluster contains most of the advertising media website that coincided with a visit to a website activity. Meanwhile, in the second cluster that has moderate traffic levels, the data indicate a cluster member news sites that are in this cluster. On the results of the third cluster is a group of websites with the highest traffic levels, but has the least number of websites. Data in this cluster shows that social media is a website with traffic levels were relatively high. Other data from the third cluster shows that Internet users access website search engine more frequently than from other websites including social media websites.
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