JWT , Access and Refresh Token
Most of the new developers get in trouble while learning JWT , access and refresh token. No worries, I will try to explain these topic with simple and less technical language possible.
So let’s begin with the first very simple and important question.
Why to Study JWT , Access and Refresh Token ?
Many of the websites and apps that we use , rely on these for secure logins. Knowing how they work helps you trust the application you interact with.
And if you are a developer, understanding these concept is important for you to build secure and user friendly applications.
And in the era of AI and cyber attacks it is important to understand tokens and how they work , to be more aware of potential security risk and take steps to protect your personal information online.
Now let’s understand,
What they are.
JWT = Json Web Token
Imagine a JWT as a digital note with two parts
This note can be securely sent between two parties to send important information.
and for more technical definition have a look at this
JSON Web Token (JWT) is an open standard that defines a compact and self-contained way for securely transmitting information between parties as a JSON object. This information can be verified and trusted because it is digitally signed.
secure : The information is encrypted
compact : Written in a format called JSON. Easy for computers to understand.
Self - Contained : Information inside JWT is enough to verify it’s authenticity.
Access Token
Access Tokens : Think of access token as your actual note, that you can use to checkout your resources. It contains the information section of JWT, with a short expiration time. Ranging from minutes to hours due to security reasons.
Refresh Token
Refresh Tokens : This is a separate code that you get from an authorization server to get new access token with fresh information and expiration time, after the previous one is expired. It has a longer lifespan, often lasting days or weeks.
When the access token is expired , then the application will use the refresh token to request a new access token from the authorization server. The server will verify the refresh token and will issue a new access token in response. This will continue until the refresh token itself expires or is revoked.
Here’s the flow : -
Now we should discuss the last and important question
Why to use them ?
In summary, JWTs provide a secure and compact way to transmit information, access tokens are short-lived JWTs used for API access, and refresh tokens are longer-lived JWTs used to obtain new access tokens when needed, enabling a smooth and secure authentication flow.