Unafraid, Bi-partisan, Uphold U.S. and Freedom


In 2009 Leni took this picture of Jiri praying at the grave of one of the 17,000 soldiers who died during the June 6, 1944 liberation of Europe and were buried in Normandy.

The November 2016 presidential election is upon us.  On our decision rests not only the future of the country, but perhaps the whole course of Western civilization.  Overstatement?  Not at all.  We are threatened, as we were on the eve of WWII, by a new fascism; this time an Islamic one. Will Europe again concede to the new dark peril as it did in 1940 with the onslaught of the new NazisWill Americans finally awake and unite in their effort to challenge this new chimera?


France 's President Hollande cried his country is at war as in 1940, following the Jihadist murder of a priest. 


A day before the July 17 opening of the Democratic Party convention, an 84-year old French Catholic Priest, Jacques Hamel, administering mass, was forced by two young jihadists to kneel before his altar. Then, yelling “Allah Akbar,” they slit his throat. While his blood dripped over the altar under the crucifix, his killers performed a ghoulish Islamist ritual in Arabic and made sure to capture the satanic sermon on film.

All this in serene St. Etienne-du Rouvray, Normandy, not far from the resting place of thousands of young American boys who sacrificed their lives in the daring, June 6, 1944, assault that launched the liberation of Europe. Without their sacrifice, and those of the Red Army in the East, one of these writers, born to a Jewish woman in Bohemia, would not be alive. 

 "France is at war," declared President Charles de Gaulle, speaking from London Exile to his occupied country in 1940. The brave general also reflected on the Nazi’s rule in Europe; the concentration camps being filled with resistance fighters, priests, ministers, Jews, Gypsies and the LBGT community.

Soon the Nazis would turn on their poison gas “showers,” the final solution for the Jews, designed and launched by Reinhardt Heydrich, reichprotektor of Bohemia and Moravia.  

"France is at war," echoed French President Francois Hollande in July, 2016 while looking at the bloodstains around the altar of the Normandy church.  Different war.  No panzers this time! Just dedicated and fanatic Islamic terrorists from the ranks of second generation Muslim immigrants and newly arriving with a refugee deluge from Syria, Libya, Afghanistan and Pakistan. In this new war, infiltration to spread Islam is the declared policy of the Jihadists!

As in 1940, Europe is again on fire. The reign of Islamist terror has spread out from France and Belgium into Germany, to the borders of Bohemia, where my mother and uncle, both survivors of the Holocaust reside. Germany’s leader, Angela Merkel, invited and welcomed the immigrants under the same romantic, idealistic delusions held by so many naive Americans. The Islamists are now raping European women and killing policemen, army personnel, Jews and ordinary civilians, spreading terror not only with guns, but axes, knives and even a heavy truck.  

 In 1940 it was primarily a reactionary wing of the Republican Party and the anti-Semitic spokesmen, Charles Lindbergh and Father Charles Coughlin, who fought the attempts of FDR’s Democrats, to awaken America to the fascist threat.

Seventy-six years thereafter, the Democrats are no longer the party of national security. They continually seek to lull the public that all is well and rosy; no change necessary. This time it’s the Party of Abraham Lincoln that is trying to awaken America to the fascist threat – and most of all it is Donald Trump! Yet with America in the stranglehold of the biased media, Trump is barraged for sounding crude, alarmist, dark – not “optimistic.”

Observable at the July 2016 Democratic convention, Hillary’s Democrats are no longer the united Democratic Party of FDR, Harry Truman and John Kennedy! The party is led by a President who has continually lulled us to the dangers of the war we are facing, minimizing their power while slashing our military to pre WWII levels, seeking a wide open door policy on immigration while shielding criminals in sanctuary cities.

 We also just learned he paid a huge ransom to the mullahs of Iran, a terrorist, Shiite state, for release of our hostages and his aides are lying about it.  His hopeful heir apparent is Hillary, a former Secretary of State so compromised by her using an insecure server and deleting her e-mails, that anyone else would be jailed for such behavior.

She was the principle player in repeating ill-designed western interventions in Libya and Syria  while disregarding the earlier folly of the catastrophic U.S. invasion of Iraq.  Before John Kerry, Clinton and Obama were initiators of yet another folly, negotiating the flawed nuclear deal with Iran.

As for her campaign, her total focus is the demonizing of Trump and continuation of the theme that America is great, there’s no problem and only some economic change is needed. No mention meanwhile, that a priest was ghoulishly murdered and the president of France declared his country is at war.

A Convention Highlight: Early on, the Bernie Sanders wing was distraught to learn from Julian Assange’s Wiki-leaks how the entire presidential nomination process had been rigged against their idol by Hillary, Debbie Wasserman-Shultz and their henchmen. Wide-eyed Hillary, as usual, “knew nothing” about it. Then the Sanders people, watched their craven hero turn tail, endorse Hillary and lick the feet that had kicked him. Bon Voyage, Bernie!  Meanwhile, Wasserman-Schultz and the whole DNI crew were thrown under the bus by ruthless Hillary,

 But the WikiLeaks exposure of how the DNC tried to rig the nomination in Hillary’s favor and even used veiled anti-Semitism in their correspondence to undermine Brooklyn born, Jewish Bernie, quickly faded away. Instead, under the skillful spin of a biased media, Trump’s sardonic appeal to Russia to turn over Hillary’s vanished e-mails to the FBI, became the big story of the week – meant to demonstrate how he aided a foreign power in espionage and how he likes the Russian thug, Putin


Those who fault Trump as a pal of Vladimir Putin should remember Hillary's dubious reset with Russia -- enriching her foundation! 


A year after Putin’s 2008 invasion of Georgia, and Russia’s occupation of its two provinces of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, Hillary glossed over the whole thing and pushed a “reset” button with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. The reset accrued to the financial benefit of Clinton and her foundation. The sale to Russian firm Rosatom of Uranium 1, “a Canadian company with uranium mining stakes stretching from Central Asia to the American West” was to her profit. Such deals, particularly with Russia, legally had to be approved at the highest level by the U.S. and Hillary, gave her approval. “When the uranium 1 deal was approved,” wrote the New York Times  ” …the Obama administration was seeking to ‘reset’ strained relations with Russia.”

Oddly, no one in the White House or the press seems to have questioned why we should reset relations with Russia a year after their invasion of sovereign Georgia. Except perhaps Putin, who figured out in a few years it was safe to use force again, this time in the Crimea.

As suggested by Peter Schweizer in Clinton Cash, the 2009 reset with Russia was likely a reward for large donations to Hillary’s Clinton Foundation as well as mammoth speaking fees for Bill. Shareholders and the Clintons got millions and the U.S. lost a fifth of its uranium.

 Meanwhile, there have been new  revelations: Hillary's campaign Chairman, John Podesta, sat alongside Russian officials on the board of a small energy company that received $35 million from a Putin-connected Russian government fund. Podesta has never bothered to comply with requirements that he disclose that relationship.

 So why is the BIG STORY a sardonic remark by Trump related to Hillary’s hacked e-mails, when the story of Hillary’s past crooked dealings with Russia, a much more important story, has been buried?


What really happened in Benghazi?  Was Hillary responsible for delivery of sarin poison gas to rebels in Syria with aid of Turkey?


On the last day of the convention, we watched President Obama hail and exalt his colleague, Hillary’s role, in the daring killing of Osama Bin Laden. Recall that the entire Benghazi cover up was in part to prevent Republican candidate, Mitt Romney, from using the Al Qaeda affiliated attack on the Benghazi consulate to win the 2012 election. With the election months away, nothing was to roil the administration’s myth that Osama was dead and al Qaeda decimated.

As we now know, al Qaeda and its affiliates were alive and well, expanding in Iraq and Syria, but also now in Libya. Moreover, the U.S. decided to support the war in yet another country, Syria, by sending weapons to rebels in northern Syria from Libyan army depots with the help of the Benghazi consulate.

Apparently, this was not a concern to General John Allen and former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, both dedicated patriots, who made speeches supporting Hillary at the convention. The stage suddenly sprouted American flags and cries of “USA” were only interrupted by the boos of the teary, luv one-another, cumbaya crowd chanting “No more war! 


Hillary -- an unrepentant and ardent hawk, whose wars in Libya and Syria have helped to metastasize jihadists. 


In Iraq, Hillary earned praise from fellow hawks “W” Bush and Condi Rice for her support of their catastrophic war and misguided efforts at regime change. Having drawn no lessons from the Iraq fiasco, Hillary became a supporter of indirect U.S. intervention in Libya with NATO allies and various rebel groups. Five years after the NATO military intervention in Libya – July-August 2016 -- the U.S. air force became directly involved in bombing Islamic terrorist targets in Libya. Clearly the original intervention only led to the metastasizing of rebel groups.

 In 2011, a crucial role in this drama was played by Hillary’s unofficial – even banned --old adviser, Sid Blumenthal. Affectionately known as “Sid vicious,” he was the guy who helped destroy poor Monica Lewinsky’s reputation as Bill faced impeachment charges.  But in 2011, Sid, now an employee of Hillary’s and Bill’s private hedge fund -- pardon us -- humanitarian foundation, became Hillary’s adviser, helping to bring the Saudis and Qatar as well as U.S. merchants into arming the Libyan rebels.

As with Iraq earlier, the chief objective became regime change, preceded by the assassination of Libyan dictator, Muammar Gaddafi. Once more, Russia was involved. Their vote at the U.N. for a NATO intervention was secured by prevaricating to the Kremlin that the objective of the intervention was a “humanitarian” effort to help the Libyan people. Some humanitarian mission! Neither Sid nor Hillary seemed to know that Gaddafi, chastened by Saddam’s demise, had given up his WMD and was working with the U.S. against al Qaeda. “We came, we saw and we killed him,” gloated Hillary to the press.

Gaddafi had also warned the West that if anything happened to him there would be chaos and Islamist terrorism would rise. He was right. With Gaddafi dead, Libya, like Iraq earlier, became a failed state, overrun by al Qaeda affiliates. It also became a gateway for the Muslim exodus to Italy. Sadly, some of the very rebels Hillary helped to arm, were likely responsible for the attack on the Benghazi consulate that killed the Libyan ambassador, Chris Sevens, along with three other brave Americans. ” Hillary’s foundation benefitted from donations from states engaged in arms transfer and from speaker’s fees for Bill – compensation for the arming of the rebels. But “What difference does it make?"

There’s more. Flushed with her dubious success, Hillary sought to furnish some of the Libyan arms to the Syrian rebels seeking to overthrow their own dictator, Bashar al Assad. New regime change was in making.  Gaddafi’s death, however, surely irked Russian autocrat Vladimir Putin. As reported by Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, who opposed the Hillary- backed, NATO intervention in Libya, Putin’s regime felt betrayed by the U.S. tactics at the U.N. Their vote had been for a humanitarian intervention -- not for Iraqi regime change subsequent chaos and the rise of the Islamists.

 Not surprisingly, Putin decided to save Assad. True, Assad is another bloody dictator, but Putin, having felt betrayed in Libya, concluded keeping him was more prudent than letting the country fall into the hands of Islamists like Iraq and Libya earlier.

In 2013, he had brokered a deal with Obama to save Assad from a U.S. military intervention while raising the question of who really used the sarin gas. Was it Assad or the Syrian rebels? Examining this issue, prize-winning investigative reporter Seymour Hersh pointed to a British intelligence report that the sarin used tested as not originating in Assad’s stockpiles. He also alleges that a secret agreement in 2012 was reached between the Obama Administration and leaders of Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar, to set up a sarin gas attack and blame it on Assad -- thus justifying a U.S. invasion to overthrow him.

Wrote Hersh, "By the terms of the agreement, funding came from Turkey, as well as Saudi Arabia and Qatar; the CIA, with the support of MI6, was responsible for getting arms from Gaddafi’s arsenals into Syria.” Unlike the account of decision-making on Libya, the one on Syria, particularly the existence of what Hersh calls the “rat line” from Benghazi through Turkey to rebels in northern Syria, is not supported by any documentation. If it was, it is still classified and unavailable.


Hersh reports Hillary must have known of the arms shipments from Benghazi to Syria via Turkey since Ambassador Stevens knew everything going on at his consulate and the CIA annex. 


"... She's not out of the loop, she knows when there's secret ops on the way ... On the day of the mission, he [Ambassador Stevens] was meeting with the CIA-based chief and the shipping company.  He was certainly involved, aware and witting of everything that was going on.  And there is no way somebody in that sensitive of a position is not talking to the boss by some channel."[our emphasis],  Interview of Hersh by Ken Kipperstein.

Enter CIA Director General Petraeus, a brilliant military leader, the one who designed the surge that saved the Iraq war under Bush '43. There are analysts who believe that his forced resignation over an affair with his biographer was to ensure his silence as part of the Benghazi cover-up organized by Hillary and Obama. Testifying to the Benghazi Commission, however, Petraeus has repeatedly debunked conspiratorial accounts, and stating his resignation didn’t had nothing to do with Benghazi.

 Of course, it there was a “’rat line,” one cannot expect either Hillary or General Petraeus to discuss it in open sources.

A highly popular military commander, he lacked experience with the intrigues of the Washington nomenclature. There is evidence some ambitious, Obama administration senior officials viewed him as a possible candidate for the presidency in 2017 and used his love affair to neutralize his prospects.

Back to the Democratic convention. Bill’s speech  was designated to portray Hillary the human, Hillary the wife and mother, Hillary the dedicated public servant, and was so touching everyone present became choked up and Dewey-eyedForgotten was the betrayal of Bernie and  continuous lies to Pat Smith about her son's death in Benghazi. Forgotten was the classified e-mail hacked from Hillary’s primitive private server by Russia. Overlooked were Hillary’s continuous lies to the FBI, to the U.S. Congress and to American people. Buried in the past were her numerous Nixonian scandals. “Old news.” And still not mentioned was France at war and murdered priest, Jacques Hamel

 Hillary addressed what she viewed as the main enemy to the U.S.; not radical Islam and those who massacred Americans in Orlando, San Bernardino, Chattanooga and Boston .  But Donald Trump and the Republicans! Sadly, even decked in white, and straining to be charming, she could not hide the furious, almost maniacal eyeballs that popped out of her face when she spoke of Trump – the most interesting thing in her presentation.   America is not in decline, so let’s give a third term to the proxy of Obama. Meanwhile, she too did not mention the dead priest or Francois Hollande’s statement, France is at war.

But surely the most stunning move of Hillary’s Democrat’s during the entire convention and in the following weeks thereafter, was the new speaker, announced for security reasons only at the last moment -- A Gold Star, mourning, Pakistani Muslim father, Mr. Kizhr Kahn, whose son, a brave, U.S. officer, was killed in action in Iraq in 2004.

A graduate of Punjab University Law College, and a specialist in International Trade in Saudi Arabia, Mr. Kahn, rose to his feet waving a copy of the U.S. Constitution at the camera. Then, exhaling righteous indignation he blasted Trump for his proposed ban on Muslim immigration to America. How could Trump be so disrespectful of the sacred ideals of freedom of religion, of liberty and equal treatment before the law, of the gifts of generations of immigrants granted by this sacred document, the U.S. Constitution. Had Mr. Trump even read it?  


So far, nobody has had the courage to ask Mr. Khan, a co-founder of the Journal of Contemporary Issues in Muslim Law (Islamic Sharia) how he manages to reconcile his admiration for the U.S. Constitution with his earlier  promoting  of Sharia law

The Sharia law Kahn promotes is the very opposite of our Constitution, the very denial of everything Americans believe. It contains an ideology that reminds one at times of Hitler’s Mein Kompf. Death to kafirs, (unbelievers), who shall be smitten at the neck as was poor father Hamel. The enslavement of women.   The tossing of LGBT people from the rooves of high buildings, and various draconian punishments for imperfect civilians involving anatomical mutilation. With its intolerance of any other religion and aspiration for a world ruling caliphate, it is totally incompatible with the U.S. constitution.

 Incredible! Here is a Muslim – a man known to be interested in furthering Muslim immigration to our country—a goal to which both Obama and Hillary aspire -- entering the convention of a U.S. political party amidst an ongoing, escalating war with radical Islam – and trying to destroy the candidate of an American political party from within the political center of the other party!   And nobody dares to question him or his motives, because after all, he’s a Gold Star father! Sacred and sacrosanct!  And Trump was foolish to continue questioning him and his wife.  

Trump’s response to Mr. Khan was emotional and impulsive. Poorly advised he questioned the seeming subjugation of Khan’s quiet wife -- described as an “attack” by the media. Sadly, some of his own party upheld Khan. Yet Pat Smith's testimony was more powerful than Kahn's attacks.  True, as we found out, Kahn’s office in New York engages in support of Muslim immigration to the U.S. Undoubtedly, he is a suffering father, but he also has business interests in a continuous attack against Trump. 

Our belief? The only hero in the Kahn family was the brave son who was killed. That Trump wants to ban Muslims from Sharia law countries like Syria, Iraq, and Mr. Kahn’s Pakistan is not because of any estrangement from the U.S. Constitution – or because he’s a “racist” or a “xenophobe. His mission is to defend the constitution!

 It’s because if he becomes a war time president, he must do with the Islamo- fascists what FDR did with the Nazis – keep them out of America; Keep out all immigrants from countries which practice Sharia law out and carefully vet Muslims from other countries.

Trump, the imperfect but only agent of true change left standing, is the only candidate not bought and backed by the oligarchs and Washington cartel; the only one who, despite his flaws, is truly authentic. Bashed by the biased, media as a right wing ideologue, and by his own party for not being a true conservative (he’s a former Democrat like Ronald Reagan), he is center right and right where America used to be. And for all his flaws, his egotism, his clumsiness, his gaffes, this maverick builder, this sort of American Yeltsin drinking milkshakes, is a true patriot and the only man with the courage to stand alone and fight a rigged system.


 We must choose between a sophisticated liar, lawyer, and national security risk, and an American Yeltsin drinking milkshakes.


True, Trump is neither FDR nor Ronald Reagan.  Often his own worst enemy, he goes after, in Winston Churchill’s words, "every dog that barks,” which keeps him from getting where he wants to go. But he will not keep an enemies list, sell the U.S. out for personal profit, try to control the media and continually lie to us and she will.

Between these two imperfect candidates, he is the only one who just possibly can fire up the economy and save this debt-ridden country from inevitable decline. But most of all, as in 1940, he is willing to make us face the inconvenient, the horrifying but the necessary truth, “France is at war and so are WE!”

Leni Friedman Valenta, a Brandeis and Yale graduate, is a principal of the Institute of Post-Communist Studies and Terrorism, and the main editor as well as co-writer of the couple’s website, jvlv.net.  A member of the Council on Foreign Relations. N.Y., Jiri, a former university professor, and former consultant to the Reagan and Bush ;41 administrations.  The president of the institute, he is a much-published author of books and articles on Russia, Eastern Europe and terrorism.

The brave men of Omaha Beach and Russians fighting in the East saved Jiri’s life. He was conceived shortly after launching operation of Overlord-that ensued liberation of Europe. They also saved the life of his pregnant mother, classified by Nuremberg laws as Jewish. Unlike her brother Lada, she was not sent to camp. Her grandfather Arnold and aunt Ella Irma perished in Auschwitz, Irma was liberated by the Red Army from Terezin.

Jiri was born on April 9,1945 out of wedlock, as a Czech-Jewish mischling of second grade, His mother could not marry his Czech father, a resistance fighter, until after Liberation thanks to the Nuremberg laws. Jiri’s grandma, Fanny Stein-Naprstek and uncle, Ludwig Stein of Vienna, survived because they were married to Christians.  Labeled “White Jews” by the Nazis, however, Jiri’s grandfather and Russian born uncle Ivan Suprun, were sent to a concentration camp for not divorcing their Jewish wives.  Both survived the war.   In May 1942 Heydrich was assassinated by two brave Czechoslovak army-in-exile fighters, Josef Gabcik and Jan Kubis, in an operation designed by Czech President Eduard Benes and Winston Churchill.  Both fallen heroes were betrayed by a military colleague.   Both are Jiri's role models.


Denise Sutton

Freelance Blogger, CONSERVATIVE Activist, Political humor and comedy at The Ornery Latina!

8 年

My father was in our military, later worked in intelligence. Because that is where the best and the brightest end up. Growing up I use to get into trouble because like him I was ornery so after getting caught throwing rotten Tomatoes at a window he asked me if I did it and I said yes I did. He looked upset in front of the man but after the door closed he hugged me and said its okay, I didn't lie about it and I owned it. Growing up we talked about the circle of trust and the importance of owning mistakes, and when you work among liars you know you can't trust them either. Dad taught me one important thing to honor your word and do a job to the best of your ability. And the failure in leadership is when people cheat in order to win. Its not winning at all, because eventually karma catches up to them. Hillary is incompetent for the Job even if she is good with the Bush family. She is incompetent. That speaks louder than anything Trump has to say. So he needs to stay on topic.


I quote: "As for her campaign, her total focus is the demonizing of Trump...". Well, as far as I can see it is exactly the same as he do to all his opponents. I can not remember hearing Trump talk nicely about Clinton, so tell me the difference between the two candidates in this matter.

Giles Raymond DeMourot

Retired Independent Consultant, Author

8 年

Jiri: That's a repeat of your blatant pro-Trump, pro-Putin propaganda. You should look at French opinion polls and see the quasi-unanimous rejection of Trump by the French (except by the far-right). A few days ago Trump insulted Germany and France. He is anti-EU, anti-NATO, anti-freedom, ant-free trade, and racist. He wants to destroy western and Asian alliances, sell Eastern Europe down the river, recognize Putin a sphere of influence in Eastern Europe, violate a series of international accords and UN resolution (notably UNGA's Territorial integrity of Ukraine). He wants to scuttle the TTIP, the TPP, NAFTA. You should read "" Republicans are among a new list of foreign policy experts denouncing Trump", by Anne Gearan in The Washington Post, https://wapo.st/2aEp1et . The letter is here: https://wapo.st/2aEphtA . Trump's proposals are morally and politically treasonous (not legally as US law does not recognize betraying allies as treason). The letter shows it very well.


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