By Jiri and Leni Friedman Valenta

  October 17, 2016

    Unafraid, Bi-Partisan, Uphold U.S. and Freedom!

Double October Surprise

 Donald, you are facing an unprecedented double October surprise. The first is what appears to be the long pre-arranged attack on your personal integrity through the Billy Bush tape and by several women accusing you of sexual misconduct. The second; the launching of a new military offensive in Iraq to reconquer the city of Mosul. Remember in 2012, Obama ordered the killing of Osama Bin Laden during the primaries; then prematurely claimed al Qaeda had been “decimated.”. 

Sadly, both October surprises are diverting the attention of the American people from the latest Julian Assange, Wiki-leak tsunami descending on Hillary. Moreover, the main stream media is only too happy to stem the tide with minimal reportage. Yet, believe Newt Gingrich who has called it the “new, much larger, Watergate.” So Ride the wave, Donald. You can in the remaining weeks, use the Wiki-leaks and perhaps prevail. 

 Our advice? Don’t let yourself be baited into a wasp nest. discussing your women accusers at the debate or thereafter. 

In the final days of your campaign, follow Melania’s lead and dispense with the sexual issue. Whatever anyone thinks, you are now a faithful and happily married man and Bill and Hillary can hardly take the high ground on sex. 

Hillary on Assange, 2010: “Can’t we just drone this guy?”

Your task now is to expose the most corrupt, yet cunning person ever to run for the highest office in the land. How bad can it get with Hillary? In 2010 she used this bloody phrase at a State Dept. Planning Council, allowing us a glimpse into just how Hillary and her crew will operate. She actually suggested droning Julian Assange! 

At first some of Hillary’s associates laughed. Then the laughter died in recognition of a proposal for what the Russians would call a mokryie dela, [wet affair meaning assassination.] The chairwoman of Hillary’s Planning Council then suggested a meeting with prominent legal experts to discuss Assange’s possible silencing. 

As we awakened this morning, October 19, Assange was not droned, but his internet was no longer working. Now we know why. The tentacles of Clinton influence reach into just into our media and our government, but into many corners of the world; so Ecuador, under pressure from Hillary’s friend, Secretary of State John Kerry, decided to plug the leak. But between Guccifer and Assange we still have thousands of e-mails on hand -- all windows into the political and philosophical biases of team Hillary and why not say it? The criminal enterprise known as the Clinton Foundation. 

Hillary’s Nixonian Dirty Tricks 

We already saw the dirty tricks of the DNC during the primaries against one of its own -- popular Democratic Socialist challenger Bernie Sanders. They liquidated him not just through super delegates but dirty tricks, including a thinly veiled, anti-Semitic attack. As one of Hillary’s acolytes wrote, “It might may no difference, but for KY [Kentucky] and WVA [West Virginia] can we get someone to ask his [Bernie’s] belief. Does he believe in a God? He had skated on saying he has a Jewish heritage. I think I read he is an atheist. This could make several points difference with my peeps. My Southern Baptist peeps would draw a big difference between a Jew and an atheist.”

DNC Chairwoman, Wasserman-Schultz, a Jewish Florida lawmaker, did nothing to dissuade her deputies from this kind of cant to undermine Sanders while pretending to be impartial. 

 What has happened since is not thinly veiled, however. The avalanche of new Wiki-Leaks shines the light on the duplicitous nature of Hillary, who admits to both a public and private persona. The private persona, as we learned, is the nature of her bigotry not only towards GOP “deplorables,” and millennial “basement dwellers,” who supported Sanders, but towards Catholics, Evangelists and of course, Jews. A Clinton spokeswoman mocked the Catholics, calling their faith “severely backwards.” 

Meanwhile, Hillary herself, a long time supporter of the PLO, revealed in an e-mail her duplicity towards the Jews. Her chief, unofficial adviser is Sidney Blumenthal -- father of the notorious anti-Semite, Max Blumenthal. In their e-mail correspondence, Hillary praised the articles Sidney sent to her by son Max -- writings that compare well with those of Adolf Hitler and the mullahs. She even asked for extra copies. 

Sid Blumenthal, a/k/a as Sid Vicious, was the principle brain behind Hillary’s persecution and intimidation of the woman who husband Bill assaulted in the 1990’s. More about him anon.

Our Republic is Threatened by continuous Hillary-gate, i.e. the undemocratic Assaults on our Democracy

Every day we are learning more about how Hillary’s reach includes attempts to transcend our democracy. Her mission is the rule of what Ted Cruz called “the Washington Cartel” and its instruments of power. She already controls the media, and we are now learning of the nefarious practices of NGO’s linked to Clinton and her aides. 

A few days ago we witnessed a criminal attack on GOP Trump headquarters in North Carolina and a few other places throughout the nation. We now know that incidents like this, as well as disruptions of Trump rallies in the past were not the spontaneous actions of disgruntled voters. Senator Cruz has called for a criminal investigation of Robert Creamer, a Democratic Party consultant, whose undercover videos showed his involvement in hiring protesters to disrupt Trump events. These sort of tactics were used by the Nazis in the 1930’s. Moreover, Mr. Creamer has paid at least 342 visits to the White House including 47 with Obama.

And of course we can only feel consternation at the cop out of FBI Director James Comey, who failed to prosecute Hillary, claiming his people found no clear criminal intent on Hillary’s part. But as Trey Gowdy pointed out, you don’t Bleachbit e-mails unless you are hiding something!

We have also learned about the collusion of high officials and prominent journalists in shaping even the presidential debates to benefit Hillary. For example, CNBC Commenator, John Horowitz, like Candy Crawley in 2012, was compromised in the Wikileak papers as being a member of what might become a new, Orwellian system under Hillary. Like Crawley four years ago during the presidential debate, Horrowitz continues pontificating about the elections, betraying all attempts of objective reporting in the good tradition of democratic journalism. 

Last week’s e-mail release provided indisputable proof that Hillary Clinton’s campaign colluded with the State Department in an attempt to bury evidence of criminal activity. Deputy Secretary of State Patrick Kennedy who served under Hillary Clinton, pressured the FBI to declassify emails marked as "classified," proposing a "quid pro quo" arrangement.” 

Since her days as a governor’s wife in Arkansas, Hillary has been involved in corruption and a long list of scandals in which she continually got a pass. The danger to our republic is now painted in unequivocal terms. The depths of Hillary's corruption exist at every level of government, spanning numerous federal agencies. If she is elected president, she will be installing more allies who will support the corruption, collusion, and carelessness that have allowed her to escape accountability time and again for her criminal misdeeds. She must be not be allowed to become our President!

Hillary is No Agent of New and Positive Change at Home

Beholden to Obama for his support during the elections, Hillary ignores that the electorate is tired of anemic economic growth and the continuation if not expansion of catastrophic fiscal policies. First in mind comes Obamacare, now even repudiated by prominent Democrats. Her planned social programs only assure that our nation becomes another Greece. 

Her proposal to Brazilian bankers of an “open space” between North and South America would be catastrophic. The national consensus is that the borders have to be controlled by a wall and other measures to prevent terrorists and drug lords from ravaging our homeland. The constant flow of illegal immigrants only add to the enormous burdens on government, lack of jobs for Americans and problems of crime-ridden sanctuary cities. Finally, an “open space” policy ignores the desire of Mexico to build its own wall now with Guatemala.

Finally, and most importantly, Hillary, if elected president will dramatically change the makeup of the Supreme Court and the new decisions of this court will impact dramatically on our second amendment and perhaps our first as well. Nor can we expect positive change in Hillary’s policymaking towards hotspots in the Middle East and Russia

Unlike you,Donald, Hillary has never fully repudiated the principle error of a large force aimed at democratic nation building in Middle East countries with no experience of democracy. The debacle of our 2003 war in Iraq did not persuade her. She became the principle advocate for a new war in Libya.

Advised again by Sid Vicious, she sought the overthrow of dictator Muammar Gaddafi, prevaricating that a NATO, “humanitarian” intervention was necessary to stem Gaddafi’s murder of his own people. There was civil war but no genocide and the Wicki-leaks revealed no mention of humanitarian concerns in her e-mails -- only oil and money. 

Dismissing former Defense Secretary Bob Gates’ objections, that none of our vital national interestes were involved in Libya, she found concealed means to purchase arms from Qatar and the Saudis and to arm the anti-Gaddafi rebels. Sadly, many of these were Jihadists.

The truth is that Gaddafi had given up his WMD and was working with the U.S. against al Qaeda. When he was finally tortured and killed, jihadist hell broke loose and the huge Muslim migration to Europe began.

Moreover, if you want to know why Vladimir Putin began to oppose her, ask Robert Gates. To launch her war on Libya she asked the Russians to abstain at the U.N. Security Council from what she falsely billed as a vote for a ‘humanitarian’ intervention to protect civilians. Ever since then the Russians have voted not to abstain during Middle East war decisions and are not about to trust Hillary again. It is not their admiration for Trump, but their disdain for Hillary that makes them opposed to her in the 2016 presidential election. 

As the abstaining Russians found out, they had been tricked. The NATO bombing pattern in Libya soon revealed the hoax. It was buttressed by Susan Rice in the U.N. with a Blumenthal tale that Gaddafi was providing viagra to his troops to rape enemy women. We aren’t kidding!

After the rebels murdered Gaddafi, Hillary issued another murderous ejaculation: â€œWe came, we saw and we killed him!” it appeared to be drafted in cooperation with Sid. 

Then, seeing a new opportunity for Clinton Foundation donations, she supported yet a new project -- sending the Libyan weapons to the anti-Assad rebels in Syria. As we now know, the supposed “consulate” in Benghazi was not a consulate at all. It was a secret U.S. mission attached to a CIA annex, and the job of Ambassador Chris Stevens was to transfer Libyan arms to anti-Assad rebels in Syria via Turkey. The problem was that many of these rebels were actually al Qaeda and ISIS. 

Benghazigate was much bigger catastrophe than Watergate

Donald, please educate the American people about Obama and Hillary’s responsibility for the fiasco at Benghazi. Unlike Watergate, Benghazi was much more costly to our republic. Whereas Watergate was a third rate burglary, in Benghazi we lost four brave Americans. 

Moreover, Hillary’s insecure server surely helped to expose our arms transfer from Libya to Syria, thus worsening our relations with the Russians. They decided to stand with Assad.

 With their heavy investments in Syria, they surely could not welcome the victory of the ISIS and Al Qaeda rebels Hillary began arming through the CIA annex in Benghazi.  

Thus, as our month-long research has concluded, there is some evidence that Hillary, choosing primarily her interests in building her Clinton Foundation as a vehicle for presidential fund raising, has contributed to the expansion and growth of ISIS. We know what followed after she resigned as Secretary of State -- another huge Muslim deluge to Europe from Syria. 

It is also now coming to haunt her if she becomes president. She has already proposed an increase in immigration to the U.S. of Muslims from Syria and other Sharia law countries, much in excess of what even Obama wants. 

Americans should carefully weigh Trump’s alleged misdeeds with women against his formidable ability to reverse the corruption enveloping our country. The complaints and organization of the attacks on him suggest that something is truly rotten in the state of this country -- and perhaps only Trump can clean it up. 

As far as Mrs. Clinton is concerned, the overwhelming preponderance of evidence points to only one conclusion. Yes, we eventually will have a lady president. However, we surely don’t have in Hillary the right one now. 

Leni Friedman Valenta is a former Democratic Party official of Westwood, New Jersey-turned supporter of Donald Trump. Dr. Jiri Valenta, a former Brookings Fellow, is the recipient of several other distinguished fellowships and a long time member of the Council on Foreign Relations. A distinguished student of Russian studies and U.S. National Security, he has co-authored many articles with his wife and partner, Leni, for distinguished journals at home and abroad. 

Total agree! USA with HILLARY it is a good example about how function corrupt centralizing system! USA today, exported not, moral value! Pay for play system in eastern country have name: SPAGA!


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