JVCA 2020 annual open day

JVCA 2020 annual open day

We cordially invite you to our Seventeenth Annual Networking event on Friday 25th September 2020, 10-11am.  Join us for some informal networking with other businesses ...and help us raise money for charity at the same time.

Normally, our annual open day is an informal and relaxed networking opportunity with Pimms and a buffet lunch and we try to get as many people as possible to come together at our offices. But 2020 is anything but normal when it comes to getting people together ...and this time it’s a virtual networking meeting!  

Help us celebrate, ask us questions, meet and chat with other businesses at our relaxed networking event. Join us on ZOOM using Meeting ID: 813 7650 1214 and Passcode: 762355

We also aren’t offering our normal charity raffle, mainly down to the logistical problems of distributing the prizes! But if everyone who receives this email was to only donate a fiver we would be able to make a huge difference to the children supported by our chosen charity.

Each year we choose a deserving charity to support and this year, and last year, we have chosen St. Mark’s Meals.  Who are trying to make sure that no school age child in Milton Keynes goes hungry.  I am sure that you have all heard of Marcus Rashford, the Manchaster United football star who is supporting FareShare charity on a national level – well we are hoping to do the same thing but in our local community.

 Please donate by going to https://localgiving.org/fundraising/JVCA2020OpenDay/


