The Juveniles of MSOP "The Voiceless Speak"
Joshua Tyler Berglan
Award-Winning OmniMedia Producer & Intl. Best-Selling Author | Advocate for the Underserved | Empowering Communities w/ 'Media Company in a Box' #DigitalLiteracy #MediaLiteracy #IndependentMedia
The Juveniles of MSOP "The Voiceless Speak" is 6 conversations with juvenile sex offenders who are imprisoned under Civil Commitment at MSOP in Moose Lake, Minnesota.
On occasion the audio is not wonderful due to the inmates speaking through the phone, however there is captions added which helps in most cases, however what you will hear is some of the most heartbreaking, shocking and unreal stories you probably have ever experienced.
One thing that you might be surprised to learn is that these men are not much different than you and I, and you might see how you could just as easily be locked away in one of these Civil Commitment Shadow Prisons.
Or you might realize that some of them should have never been there in the first place or you might see that some of them never had a chance to have a normal life.
I must say when I first started hearing these stories in 2021 I did not want to believe what I was hearing. I did not want to believe that people could be treated the way these men do or that some were actually innocent but will spend the rest of their lives in these hellholes of psychological warfare.
I beg you to have an open mind and open heart when you listen because these stories might hit home more than you think.
Thank you in advance for watching.
God bless you and please keep these men in your prayers.
With love,
Joshua T Berglan and Jessica Linn