Is there an ROI in Digital Asset Management?
Maria Osipova
Chief Marketing Officer (Teramind, Built with Science), Advisor (DosLados)
According to Scott Brinker at, there are over 5,000 marketing technology solutions available this year. Each one of them was created to improve marketing results or reduce existing pain. So how does one decide which marketing technologies to allocate precious budget dollars to?
It usually comes down to two things: priority and results. First - just how bad the pain is - how critical are the challenges that need to be resolved? And second - how significant is the impact of the solution going to be. While the priority can usually be describe with a business case, mapping the solution to the strategic goals or specific marketing tactics, the results need to be measurable.
In the Digital Asset Management space, dealing with high volumes of creative assets can easily result in frustration for the team as well as loss of time and money. The pain is easy to identify and solution impacts some of the most strategic initiatives for organizations: brand, international expansion, supporting distribution. However, coming up with estimated savings and gains, can be complex. For those organizations that are required to build a business case and a solid ROI justification around Digital Asset Management investment we've created this resource: Digital Asset Management ROI Calculator and Business Case Guide. Here are some of the elements we've discussed:
- Definition of a Digital Asset Management System (yes, there is often confusion between Marketing Resource Management, Media Asset Management, File Storage and a Digital Asset Management Platform)
- How to build a Business Case around Strategic and Tactical Benefits of a DAM project
- How to collect necessary data and variables for the ROI calculation
- Actual ROI calculations and industry benchmarks
- Opportunities for future expansion and integrations