Justice is Fallen in the Streets
“Justice is turned back, and righteousness stands afar off; for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter. ?So truth fails…Then the?Lord?saw?it,?and?it displeased Him that?there was?no justice.” (Isaiah 59)
When Alexandre Solzhenitsyn was researching his major work about the Soviet Prison System called “The Gulag Archipelago”, he spoke to an ex-prisoner named? Tamara Prytkova.
She said:
“I was inside for twelve years, and although I’ve been free for eleven years since then, I simply cannot see the point of living.? I cannot see that there is any justice”
Justice may seem like an abstract concept, until that is, you have experienced the bitter taste of No Justice, and had its poison seep into your own life.
God knows.? God sees.? The Bible talks of Justice and Judgement all through its pages from beginning to end.? The subject is so vast that I can only paddle in the shallows.
“Justice Justice shall you pursue, that you may live” (Deuteronomy 16: 20) says the LORD in His Law.? You see Tamara Prytkova was right!
But Justice cannot be something you want for yourself without pursuing it for others too.? One of the most important of God’s Laws, almost snuffed out by ignorance today, is the law which states:
“You shall not have two differing weights in your bag, one heavy and one light. You shall not have two differing measures in your house, one large and one small. You must maintain accurate and honest weights and measures, so that you may live long” (Deuteronomy 25:13) ??
Notice first, the connection between equal measures and long life!? And also notice that equal weights must apply both at work and at home in your private life.? And God’s feelings on the matter is emphasised in Proverbs 20:10 where it states emphatically: “Differing weights and differing measures— both are detestable to the LORD”
In the first place, if you are buying or selling: don’t use one set of weights for buying and another for selling.? You may think you are being clever but that is corruption.? God sees.? In the second place, Jesus emphasises that He, perhaps alone, uses only one set of measures, even on those He loves.? The measure you use on others, He says, will be the one He will use on you!? Jesus is The Judge of All the Earth (not just of Christians!).? He alone holds The Scales of Justice in His hand.
Now that is good…kindof…that His promise to all mankind is that He is coming to judge the earth.? “…with righteousness shall he judge the poor, and reprove with equity for the meek of the earth” (Isaiah 11).? “Let the rivers clap their hands, let the mountains sing together for joy before the LORD, for He comes to judge the earth. He will judge the world with righteousness and the peoples with equity..” (Psalm 98) and “Your throne, O God, endures forever and ever, and justice is the sceptre of Your kingdom” (Psalm 45).? Yes, when Jesus returns He will judge every individual and every individual will have perfect Justice at last.? These are promises, and as Jesus said, the scriptures cannot lie.? He will come to the earth again, physically, and He will give you the justice you long for, that you cry out for with all your heart.? And notice how the Bible says that all of nature will be renewed and filled with life when that happens!? Conversely, where there is no Truth and no Justice, which appears to be the case in Britain now, there is no life either.
?If you long for Justice there are two catches:
First, this promise of just judgement for each person meant that Jesus had to suffer our just judgement when He died on the Cross!? Otherwise we would all go to hell because of our unjust natures.
Second, we have to learn from Him, how to get rid of the divers weights we carry in our hearts.? The bible does not say we must not judge, but rather, that we must judge righteously.? Only one set of weights allowed.? Not one set of weights for those we love and another set for those we hate.? Not one measure for ourselves and another measure for others.? And the only way we can learn to do this, is to ask God to teach us.
I have never known God not teach someone who genuinely wanted to hear what He has to say.? But it involves afflicting our souls by fasting from our own ideas.? God’s Truth and Justice is an acquired taste, but if we seek what He wants instead of what we want, then His Words to us will become sweeter than honey to our lips (eventually!).? When, many years ago, I began to seek to know His Judgements, then I found that every time I saw someone else doing something that I considered evil, He would show me something similarthat was going on in my own heart.? So be warned!
What is happening in Britain now is evil, and God sees it and knows it.
Without mass repentance of all the People in Britain, the only power we have as individuals is to seek the operation of God’s Justice in our own lives.? His Justice is just, true, real and it is coming to the earth.
He has promised.? Put your hope in Him, knowing He loves you and that He hates injustice far more than you do.? He will act.