We the people of the United States in order to form a more perfect union to establish JUSTICE ,insure Domectic Tranquility, yes it's part of our Constitution. Polic Officers go beyond this and place their lifes on the line of justice and freedom every day and night.

I will never regret any thing that has happened in my life whil;e working as a police officer.Why you ask ? Because it cannot be changed undone of forgotten. I am suppose to chalk it up as lessons learned and move on. (Ralph Waldo Emerson) " What you are afraid to do is a clear indication of the next thing you need to do".

We are like icebergs what police see when they look at our uniforms or equipment, or how we respond to calls for help. Yes we are big blue icebergs what people see is success but they don't know what it took to be icebergs, they bdo not see the hard work,risk, late nights, struggles, failures, persistence ,action, discipline,courage,doubts, changes , criticism, disappointments, adversity, rejections and sacrifices. That is what the p[eople do not see, Yes that is what every office must go thru to wear a symbol of justice on the uniform even the ones that have icebergs on them.

As a officer i trusted my heart and bain to help me make decesions, it was a good heart i would help to much, trust to much,and give to much and at the end of my shifts my heart always hurt bnecause i did not really help those that need my help the most instead my help went to those that really didn't need my help. Sometimes I would do something wrong and worried what would happen to me because I gave my help to the ones that really need it.

My Supervisor whould pull me aside and explain to me that a hickup did not mean the end of job. He said my service was not broken, i was put in the sitituation to test my resolv and I did nit fail. Still after many byears in retirment I wake up and pledge to my self and family not to let the sadness of my past and the fear of our future ruin my life in the present.

I believe that we are who we choose to be . No body is going to come to save me. I have to save myself. No body is going to give m e anything ,I have to work to earn what I want. I had and still go out and fight for what I want, I have to obey the law to get it. Not riot sue nor break the law. Everyone wants happiness, no one wants Pain . But you can't have a rainbow without a little rain.

I can't make people like me all i can do is show them who I am ,how I feel and what I beleive . it's up to those around me to understand my worth. Curse me,hate me,wish me dead. I will still be there when you need me.It takes a special person to risk so much for people who care so little.

when one of our brothers or sisters are killed we do not riot,loot, or make excusses,we honor their sacrifice.We do not sue the city.We do honor our heroes forever we were never created to live depressed,defeated,guilty,condemmed, ashmend or unworthy. We were craeted to live a fair good honest life. We are allborn into this life naked,unaware of what we see or hear .At some point in our lives we have to make choices. Life is like a oneway street those going aganisy traffice will get a ticket or worse loose your life.

You make the choise that will push forwards or pull you back Forward is obeying the law backwards is breaking the law, no one group is above the law BLM, LGBT, ASAIN, Caucasian or any other group all lives matter no one has the right to violate the law. Politics has no right in the arena of law enforcement. Police and Fire officers bleed RED Blood just like those who violate the law. To those who think the can wear my shoes come to me I will give them to you and all the worry and troubles that those shoes carry. The blue and red lines grow shorter . I aske all of you who read this to call your congress persons and tell them to pass the bill that will result in a death penalty for killing a Fire or Law Enforcement officer, no Jail time no Living a life that we as citizen have to pay for free food free room ,medical care . Its you time to support those who place their lives on the line every day and night. Call or send you letters to your congress people. PASS THIS BILL befor another officer looses their life.


