Justice for All! Just not for her... (Part-2)
Hemant Sharma
28K Followers | Investigative Journalist & Activist | Photographer | HR & LnD | Punchline --> Dangerously Creative
There is a price for every crime. Commit the crime, pay the money and everyone Forgives and Forgets!
Go through Part-1 before reading further:
When Tayab Hussain Bhimsika was done talking to Disha's mother, a settlement was reached and Disha's mother had agreed to forgive Sahun and forget what he did to her daughter.
Disha's mother had, in writing, given consent for compromise to Tayab Hussain and gang forgiving Sahun who had raped her 11-year-old daughter. The price in return was 7 Lakh INR or approximately 10 Thousand US Dollars.
The Act of Raping a girl child was set at 7 Lakh INR (USD 10,000)
"Saab, my daughter is kidnapped. She was raped when she was 11 and now I cannot find her. I think they are going to kill her...please help!" On the 6th of September 2016, Disha's mother was mumbling these words to a senior police official. Upon being asked why she had compromised with Sahun's family in Disha's rape case, she stated that as a powerful politician and local goons were pressurizing her; that she had no choice. However, what followed raised eyebrows. Disha's mother went on to add that since she got to know that a deal was struck with Sahun's family for 7 Lakh Rupees, she contacted Tayab Hussain Bhimsika for the money. He, in turn, asked her to come to a place in Hathin along with Disha to collect the money. Upon reaching the location with Disha, her mother met Tayab Hussain Bhimsika and during the conversation, Disha was taken somewhere, probably for a soft beverage or candy. SHE NEVER CAME BACK!
Disha's mother went to collect the money. She took Disha with her. Instead of getting the money, Disha was kidnapped!
Disha's mother made a bold claim that police officer turned politician, Tayab Hussain Bhimsika and his gang kidnapped Disha!
Let's take a look at the life of Tayab Hussain Bhimsika as a politician...
Disha's mother's claim that Tayab Hussain Bhimsika was a powerful politician and had a gang of goons, which made her give in to his pressure of compromising in her daughter's rape crime, might sound suspicious. Goons are also people. So let's take a look at how many people Tayab Hussain Bhimsika can gather on an occasion!
Clearly, Disha's mother was not exaggerating that Tayab Hussain Bhimsika was indeed powerful...at least for her, he was someone she could not say no to if he insisted.
Hence, her claim that she made the compromise under severe pressure and the possibility of a threat to her own life and that of her daughter's too, could very well be true!
Tayab Hussain Bhimsika was clearly a powerful man!
However, one question that left me thinking about was, if Tayab was such a powerful man...Disha's mother should not be in a position to ask him for the money he received from Sahun's family for settling the case! Was there something more...?
The hidden story that nobody knew - To be continued in Part-3
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