It is just you!
Biju Aramban
Democratic Education, People, Story telling, Engineering, Fullstack Development, Cyber Security, Automation, Innovation, and ...
One day, a man was feeling down and distressed due to the constant mocking and ridicule he was facing from people around him. He felt like he was being singled out and ostracized for his appearance, language, and abilities, and he didn't know what to do about it. As he was walking, a saint passed by and noticed his troubled state. The saint approached him and asked, "Is everything alright?"
The man opened up and poured his heart out to the saint, telling him about his struggles and how he felt like he didn't fit in anywhere. The saint listened patiently and then said, "It's not them; it's just you."
The man was taken aback by the saint's words, but the saint went on to explain that the people who were mocking and ridiculing him were merely reflecting his own insecurities and self-doubt. The man needed to learn to love and accept himself for who he was, flaws and all, before he could expect others to do the same.
The man pondered the saint's words and realized that he had been seeking validation and acceptance from others instead of finding it within himself. He resolved to work on building his self-confidence and self-worth and to stop letting the opinions of others bring him down.
What is your story?