Just WOW!

Just WOW!

Kneeling of the green balloons, iMessage and RCS

The ongoing saga of colorful bubbles continues! The green bubble represents messages sent via standard SMS to non-Apple devices, while the blue bubble opens the door to the mysterious world of iMessage.

Apple introduces iMessage with iOS 5 in 2011, allowing iPhone users to send messages, photos, and more over the internet, distinguishing them with blue bubbles.

Some facts:

  • Users start to jokingly refer to non-iMessage users as having "green bubbles," creating a lighthearted divide.
  • Memes and discussions about the green vs. blue bubble phenomenon become common in online communities.
  • The debate reflects social dynamics and preferences among smartphone users, with some valuing iMessage features and others appreciating the simplicity of standard SMS.

What about now? Why I name the topic Kneeling of the Green Balloons?

Apple has surprised by announcing its adoption of the RCS messaging standard for cross-platform messaging between iPhones and Androids. This move, influenced by regulatory pressure and competition, brings iMessage-style features to the messaging experience, including read receipts and high-quality media sharing. iMessage will remain the primary platform for iPhone users, emphasizing its security. The decision follows years of resistance, aligns with ongoing regulatory discussions, and aims to improve cross-platform messaging with the rollout of RCS next year.

RCS (Rich Communication Services) is a messaging protocol that enhances traditional SMS by adding features like multimedia sharing, read receipts, and typing indicators, offering a more advanced messaging experience similar to popular messaging apps.

The debate continues, and the color of message bubbles remains a recognizable and playful element of smartphone culture.

3D Printers will be used as they should be - on the battlefield

"Spectrum" in Novosibirsk is creating a 3D-printed military UAV with a 30 km range and a 10 kg payload, using recycled materials on-site. The cost-efficient design emphasizes local production in Russia, aiming to provide an affordable option for reconnaissance UAVs. Flight tests for the prototype are set for December.

So a product can now also be produced by the end user.

I would also like to remind you that if something is being tested by the military, it will be offered to the consumer when it becomes useful. I believe that initially automotive manufacturers will do this, meaning that automakers will share 3D files of car parts with consumers and they will 3D print and produce these parts at home.


However, this scenario involves various technical, legal, and practical challenges.

  1. Technical Challenges: Automotive parts often have complex geometries and may be manufactured using specialized materials. Home 3D printers may not have the same level of precision and quality as professional industrial machines to produce complex parts.
  2. Material Quality: Home 3D printers may not be able to work with high-quality materials comparable to those used in industrial settings. Automotive parts typically require specific durability and strength properties.
  3. Legal Challenges: An automotive manufacturer holds intellectual property rights over the designed parts. Distributing 3D files to consumers may infringe on these rights, leading to legal issues.
  4. Certification and Safety: Automotive parts usually need to comply with certain safety standards. It may be uncertain whether parts produced through home 3D printing meet these standards.
  5. Supply Chain for Spare Parts: Automotive manufacturers typically establish a supply chain for spare parts to ensure a quick and reliable provision of components. Allowing consumers to 3D print parts at home could disrupt this established supply chain.

I would like to believe that this is basically what this technology was built for and that it will come to its rightful place.

The first big step in Windows' move to the cloud!

After Panos Panay, Microsoft seems to focus on the cloud, so things have changed a lot.

Microsoft has been making changes to the Office 365 cloud lately. Trying things out, and it's desire to move Windows to the cloud was reported in this Verge story, and now the big step has been taken.

Microsoft Office 365 includes popular office applications such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook, as well as collaboration tools like Teams and SharePoint, providing a comprehensive suite for productivity and communication needs.

Here is the Windows app!

Microsoft's "Windows App," initially designed for business accounts but potentially expanding to consumers, reflects the company's broader strategy to transition Windows to the cloud. Recent developments, including a focus on web-powered features and AI services by the "Windows and Web Experiences" team, align with Microsoft's goal, disclosed in the FTC v. Microsoft hearing, to fully embrace cloud-based Windows. This initiative, evident in the current availability for businesses through Windows 365, could eventually allow consumers to access cloud PCs and Windows apps on devices running non-Microsoft operating systems.

Now we can enjoy Windows on any device we want!


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