Not just a word, It is sharper than a sword

Not just a word, It is sharper than a sword

In the evening, it is the time for all families, couples, and adults with no commitments to relent their seriousness and tension after a long working day that is not always smooth and productive. We, salaried workers, are trying to remove the working burden by seizing a few intimate moments of love and happiness in all ways possible for nothing but energizing ourselves again for a supposedly productive working day. ?Some of us try to take a quick break from our profession and academia by "Netflix & Chill." ?

It is simple; all you need to do to join the club is to link the dots, meaning that a person can gather all hobbies, academic and professional backgrounds, joy, and excitement in one drama work. Indeed, some of us, the youth, are still clinging to a book from a shelf or an article that is diffused digitally if they are big fans of reading on smartphones. Frankly, I mix all the old fashioned and modern style à la mode without remorse or sham because we all need a deep rest for our brains before it tragically ends up depressed.

Recently, I watched an extra super fictional series called "Designated survivor" that was firstly released in 2016, such another politically hard time that American people witnessed. Despite legal and political slips across the series' plot, the scenes incorporate outstanding president's speeches that compel a person to stop, re-think and imagine, not only words are well coining especially those specific words that president T.Kirkman (the U.S. president in the series) confidently pays, but also these words spontaneously prove that how much a president is patriotic and a person of good deeds. Ironically, the message brought about by this series is entirely different from the one made by F. Underwood, the demon version of the U.S. president in the House of Card series.

By the end of the first part, President T. Kirkman stands in front of congress, making a tremendous speech that validates his good deeds, consolidate the reciprocal trust, and can be prolonged in political real situations. By coincidence, I find another series fan who was interested to share an analysis of the speeches regarding its political outcomes and influence that stemmed from just a good wording of the political discourse. As mentioned, the paper concluded that how well-crafted words can lead to audience manipulation by "Revealing or Concealing meanings". Also, the paper reiterates the importance of only good context that is build on trust can strengthen creditability between officials in powers and their fellow citizens who are self-centered in most of life aspects. Here some of them are as follow:

( Lloyd and his followers believed that American greatness was in its decline (.) and that somehow, we were no longer heirs to the generations (.) that pushed back the tide of fascism, put men on the moon, (.) and relegated the Berlin Wall to the pages of history. In short, (.) these people believed that our best days were behind us and that they, themselves, knew better how to remake our country. They were wrong (.) in every possible way. They debased the American Dream and disrespected the incredible sacrifices made by so many to build and sustain our nation. And even though the fabric of America may have been frayed by their violence and hatred, I stand here rejoicing in the fact (.) that it was never torn. (.) In a time of unprecedented fear!)

It is not the first time that a piece of writing in a filmed scene has taken my eye; it happened once before when I was watching "The Dark Knight Rises" when the screenwriter successfully summoned the amazing well-known Charles Dickens's "A Tale of Two Cities" masterpiece to be the Batman Last testament when he said:

"I see a beautiful city and brilliant people rising from this abyss. I see the lives for which I lay down my life as peaceful, useful, prosperous, and happy. I see that I hold a sanctuary in their hearts and the hearts of their descendants, generations hence. It is a far, far better thing that I do than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever known."

These are not simple words that can easily be neglected, or quickly passed.

Indeed, one of the most honest and sincere words made by people in tenure is done by themselves when they have already retired and no longer waiting for any flattery or cajolery. They write with bare views and without any courtesy regarding events they have witnessed, as they delink the situations' coeval temper status of anger and sorrow.

Another role model for the power of a word is "Promised Lands", a well-crafted piece of writing that was published after President Obama end his second presidential tenure; some of the book's words about Obama's earlier life are simply a mixture of hope, sadness, belonging, and even marginalization;

"It was as if, because of the very strangeness of my heritage and the worlds I straddled, I was from everywhere and nowhere at once, a combination of ill-fitting parts, like a platypus or some imaginary beast, confined to a fragile habitat, unsure of where I belonged. And I sensed, without fully understanding why or how, that unless I could stitch my life together and situate myself along some firm axis, I might end up in some basic way living my life alone."

This what it means by the power of a word, and how can it last unexpectedly; over human history, speeches and sayings inflame sentiment, enable persons to do the extraordinary, and can make a difference in human destiny. Still, when a person simply says "I Have a Dream"; the first thing flashes to mind is the crowd momentum who surrounded "Martin Luther King" during his adamant struggle for human rights. These aforementioned good pieces of writing can validate that simple right words can rejuvenate human faith in values and beliefs especially in the time of crisis, natural disasters, and political polarization among international key leaders.

I find these speeches amazing and can remind us of precious values we temporarily lost for self-interest or to waive responsibility from our shoulders.


