Just a word…
Recently I was writing about the effect of the word ‘just’ when used by an expert, as in ‘just do this’ which then takes you hours to understand and do.
It got me thinking about the word ‘just’ when it comes to losing weight and getting fitter. The plan I devised is successful because nothing is restricted or banned. It means that whilst I may still not have the healthiest diet, I do have something that enables me to lose weight and eat what I want. The challenge is not to just have a little something and forget about it when doing the daily calculation. I’ve always known that the word ‘just’ usually heralds one of these types of forgettable snackettes. You know I’ll just have a biscuit, another biscuit and another…
In many ways the ‘just’, as it relates to food, is getting much easier, although everything is work in progress. I have now realised that this sneaky little word sometimes creeps into my exercise routine and usually not in a good way. How?
Sometimes when I’m tired (see how that excuse sneaked in?) I think I know I was going to do x, y and/or z, but if I just leave out x or y or z or all the above it’ll be OK. The result? I get annoyed with myself for letting myself down. I’ve made the commitment to myself and as Florence Nightingale said, “I attribute my success to this—I never gave or took any excuse.” Worse still, I may start to comfort eat…how irrational is that?
So now I’ve started to use ‘just’ in a positive way. As it relates to food, if I just eat, whatever it is, I decide what I am going to do without to make the diary balance. So, just a few extra biscuits? Fine, but they may be replacing lunch, so I better really want them and really enjoy them.
When it comes to exercise, I now allow myself one day off a week, and I don’t always take this option. If I think I’ll just leave it for today, that’s fine I relax and enjoy it. I accept that I’ve used my weekly option. So for the rest of the time I give myself a stiff talking to, something along the lines of “Get you’re a**e in gear”. Sometimes I also write myself an IOU and do a slow catch-up, see: https://www.glenyschatterley.uk.com/i-o-me/
So now I’m in charge of just, for the time being at least.
How does “Just” impact on your weight loss and how do you deal with it?
Want something to help you in your weight loss story? Go to: https://www.glenyschatterley.uk.com/free-steps-to-success/ and get my free download.
Have fun, stay safe.