Just What Do You Mean the Mark of the BEAST?
Is the mark of the beast a physical thing or a spiritual concept?

Just What Do You Mean the Mark of the BEAST?

Years ago I believe the Most High led me to study the subject of the mark of the beast in greater depth and detail. As I began to study the topic from the Scriptures I realized that the mark of the beast subject ran all throughout the Holy Scriptures and was not relegated to just the book of Revelation. It is one of the main themes of God's Word and Scripture. By letting the Scriptures define the mark of the beast, it is seen that it is a counterfeit of the mark/seal of God. I realized then, that one of the most important ideas put forth in the Word is that the adversary/devil/Lucifer/Beelzebub etc. seeks to be like the Most High (Isaiah 14:14). He is a counterfeiter. As this became more clear to me, the subject of the mark of the beast became more clear as well.

I began this study by looking into Revelation 13:16-18 in more detail in the Greek and tracing the Greek back to Hebrew as well as thematic connections found in Scripture. From there I followed what I found and continued to follow the subject matter that was laid out from thereon out. I attempted not to interject my own preconceived notions as to what the mark was, but to truly let the Scriptures/Holy Spirit be my guide.

In short, the mark of God is His Word. His Messiah. His people will be marked with His mark. The mark of the adversary is his 'word.' His Messiah. His people will be marked with his mark which will be a counterfeit version of the mark of God. The mark of GOD is His 'Image.' The mark of the beast is his 'image.' Man must choose which side he wants to be on. This has been the choice ever since the garden, the tree of Life or the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

The mark of the beast is a replay of the deception in the Garden of Eden. The Scriptures state that the end is in the beginning (Isaiah 46:10). The first temptation of man will also be his last. The tree of knowledge was an offer by the adversary for man to reject the true Word and to obtain immortality (ye shall not die) via another method, the obtaining of knowledge. This has been the offer of the adversary ever since. If one looks into any religion in the world today he or she will find that this is the same lie being proposed in various forms. All of these religions trace back to the Mystery Religions of old which descend from the Garden and the serpent in the tree. This includes Christianity, Judaism & Islam. The symbols used to represent these religions tell the story.

Biblical Definition of the Mark

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In order to understand the mark of the beast, one must go to the Scriptures and let them define what it is. The Scriptures define the mark of the beast as a counterfeit of the mark of GOD. The mark of GOD is His Image, His Word and "Spokesman", His Messiah the GREAT "I AM". The mark of the beast is the image, word and the false messiah of the adversary.

The adversary is the great counterfeiter who desires to be like the Most High. The phrase 'like God' in Hebrew has the numerical value of 666. This phrase was first used in reference to partaking of the fruit of the tree of knowledge and sets the precedent for the meaning of the number 666 and the mark of the beast.

The Scriptures link the mark to the resurrection. Resurrected to life through the Messiah or to death through the beast. Again, it goes back to Life through the Tree of Knowledge or 'ye shall not die' through the knowledge of good and evil. God marks His people with His Name just as He marked Israel in the wilderness. The adversary seeks to mark his people with his name and to be the head of a false Israel. The adversary seeks to sit in the sides of the North which is defined in the Holy Scriptures as Mt. Zion. Throughout this article it will become clear that Satan desires to be the Christ of Zion/Sion, a counterfeit of the Zion of Scriptures.

the Number 666

The number 666 is the number of the name of the beast. It points back to the false Christ of the mysteries. The counterfeit of the Messiah Yahshua. The Greek letters χξ? have the literal meaning of a serpent in a tree, again pointing back to the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

The number is about more than gematria and finding names of world leaders that add up to 666. The word name in Hebrew, shem, has the meaning of character. This is what 666 is all about. It is the character of the beast. The Name of GOD, Yaweh "the Eternal" is His Word. The counterfeit is the name of the adversary, his 'word.' The Word of God dwelt in the Holy of Holies in the form of the stone tablets of the Ten Commandments inside the Ark of the Covenant in the Tabernacle/Temple which is a picture of the human body. In the human body this is pictured by the heart, and on a deeper level the DNA within the cellular structure of man. Hence Paul points out and reminds the REAL and TRUE children of God thus: "Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are." 1 Corinthians 3:16-17.

This is where the adversary seeks to dwell. In the hearts (and minds) of men and to manipulate their DNA to turn them into his reptilian image. 666 is linked with sun worship and the sun god which again links back to the Mystery Religions. 666 also points to Asherah/the tree of knowledge, the Kundalini spirit and Jacob's ladder which on a deeper level points to our DNA.

The only name in the TaNaKAH that adds up to 666 is Sethur which means mystery. In the mystery religions this is equivalent to the 'god' Saturn. As this article will show it will be seen that Saturn and the 'golden age' of the gods is intimately related to the mark of the beast.

Frequencies & Symbols

The use of symbols to represent the Most High traces back to the Mystery religions. Symbolism is the language of the mysteries. By examining religious symbols and their meanings, one is led to a better understanding of the mark of the beast.

All of creation came forth from the Word of Elohim (GOD). Hence, His Image is embedded in all of His works. The adversary seeks to corrupt His Image and lead mankind into the worship of idols, and ultimately himself.

This article sets the stage that images and symbols are used to represent ideas and concepts, in specific the mark of the beast. Initiates in the mystery religions used symbols to communicate due to the confusion of languages at the Tower of Babel. As one further studies these images it is seen that similar themes are displayed. The Garden of Eden, the tree of knowledge and the temptation of the adversary that 'ye shall be as gods.' Over and over again, this is the message that is portrayed.

The Ivy

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In the Apocryphal book of Maccabees, it is described how the ivy symbol of Bacchus/Dionysius was branded upon Jews during the days of the Greek kingdom. These times were a foreshadow of the end of days.

Through the study of ivy and its meanings one comes to the conclusion that ivy is a symbol for the mark of the beast. The time of the Maccabees displays an important message in relation to the mark. A defilement of the Temple. The Temple is again is picture of the human body, so it is seen that the mark of the beast is in relation to this concept.

The topics of DNA, Kundalini, Saturn, Sion etc. are all related to Ivy. Through the study of occult symbology it is seen that the same themes are continually being portrayed. Again, they point back to the tree of knowledge of good and evil and the temptation of 'ye shall be as gods.'

The Cross

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As shocking as it may sound, the cross symbol points to the mark of the beast. The Messiah took upon Himself the sins of mankind by becoming a 'serpent on a pole.' He overcame the mark of the beast that the adversary brought forth in the garden by becoming that sin so that mankind could be delivered from its punishment.

The cross symbol is a portrayal of the Hebrew letter tav. Tav represents a covenant. Covenant relationship is the most important theme in Scripture, culminating in the new covenant which was cut in the person of the Messiah during the crucifixion. According to Ezekiel 9, the mark of the righteous is a 'tav' in the foreheads (verse 4). Interstingly enough the Catholic church makes a cross symbol with ashes on the forehead of its "deceived" yet faithful laity on "Ash Wednesday" during their Pagan so called: Holy Week celebration.

Religion is the counterfeit of covenant with Elohim with the mark of the wicked being a cross. Again, the counterfeit theme is seen over and over through history.

Today, the cross represents "traditional" Christianity which is a religion of man that leads to death. Christianity mixes the truth of the Scriptures with the errors of man. This is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

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The serpent encoiled around the tree points back to the tree of knowledge and is seen in the concept of the "Kundalini spirit" where the serpent coiled at the base of the spine climbs the 33 backbones to reach the pineal gland to 'open' the third eye of enlightenment. This has passed down through the ages as the image of the caduceus prevalent in the mysteries.

The cross is a symbol linked to Saturn, who is represented for the most part by the hexagram. On the surface it would seem that the cross and hexagram are not related, but in reality have the same meaning. This is how the adversary works. On the surface level he will use supposedly opposing concepts to divide man but in reality he is the one who is pulling the strings behind the scenes. And by the way the "Templar" cross being shown above which is the same cross you have seen on Jesuit Ukraine leader Vlodomir Selenski's green T-shirt at times, is also a Jesuit cross and this cross is also found in the COVID mRNA vaccines as well this is why I firmly believe that all these millions of people that have been vaccinated have gotten the dreadful and "blasphemous" MARK OF THE BEAST which is now in their DNA! BELEIVE IT OR NOT! That's why Jesuit Pope Francis invested about 2 Million dollars on the Pfizer vaccine and carried about an "influential" and very "aggresive" campaign using his fellow cardinals!

The Hexagram

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The Hexagram, like the cross, represents the mark of the beast. It has become the symbol of 'Israel' and Judaism and the same can be said about the hexagram as the cross, in reference to the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Judaism is a mixture of good and evil. The Holy Scriptures along with man's interpretations from the Talmud, Cabbalah, the Sohar, etc.

The hexagram has been used for thousands of years by those in the Babylonian mystery religions and contrary to popular thought today, did not originate with King David or Solomon. In reality it is the mark of Saturn.

The hexagram is a mark used by false Messiahs of Israel in the past and therefore is a proper symbol of the beast.

The hexagram is used in the mysteries as a symbol representing the concept of 'as above, so below.' The mixture of man and God. The false kingdom of heaven and a false resurrection. In alchemy it represents the transmutation of lead into gold, pointing to the 'evolution' of mankind into gods.

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The hexagram symbol was used by the Sumerians, Hittites, ancient Grecians & Romans, Japanese, Mexicans, Muslims, Mormons as well as Hindus and Buddhists. The symbol does not represent Israel, it represents Satan and his many faces.

The Rothschilds are responsible for the hexagram being used to represent the State of Israel today. The Rothschilds are the main power behind the founding of the State and are the epitome of what false Israel is. The "Satanic Zionist Jews" that Christ mentions in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9.


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Saturn is represented by the image of the hexagram. Saturn is just another name for Satan. He represents the kingdom of Atlantis in the antediluvian world, the 'golden age of the gods.' The desire of the adversary is to bring about this kingdom once again. He will attempt to counterfeit the 1,000 year reign of Messiah and the restoration of the Garden of Eden.

The kingdom of Saturn points back to the days of Noah where the fallen angels mixed with women and brought forth giants/nephilim. The religion of those days was resurrected by Nimrod and has passed down through the ages in various forms. This is why the symbolism in all religions throughout the world link back to Saturn and these days.

Saturn is the god of the false Zionist Jews in the so called: State of Israel. The days of Noah precede the return of the Messiah. This will be a time where the adversary counterfeits the kingdom of Heaven and the return of the Messiah. Part of this deception is using the name of Israel for his followers. For more information on this subject and topic I highly recomend that you get a copy of my BESTSELLER book: The Great Counterfeit A World Full of LIES and DECEPTION! You can get your copy a t BarnesandNoble.com and Lulu.com.

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Solomon & Freemasonry

Solomon is a picture of the Messiah Yahshua, as well as the counterfeit antichrist. The beast will be a 'reincarnated' Solomon, who builds a false Temple and rules over the earth.

Freemasonry relies heavily on the Temple and Solomon for the foundation of their teachings but in reality, Freemasonry is a continuation of the Mystery religions of old which mixes truth with error. The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. The main objective of Freemasonry is finding the 'Lost Word' which is the Name of Yaweh. They seek to rebuild the Temple of Solomon which on the surface level is speaking of a literal temple, but on a deeper level is speaking of the human body.

The seal of Solomon is the hexagram which is the same as the square and compass of Freemasonry. Freemasonry traces back to the schools of the Mystery religions and the Kabbalah. The Kabbalah is a mixture of the doctrines of the Babylonian mystery religions and the Bible, a perfect picture of the tree of knowledge. The Kabbalah played a major role in the founding of the United States by the Jesuits as I have explained and pointed out in previous articles.

The United States of America has a secret history where it was hoped that it would be a New Atlantis and be used to bring about a New World Order. The Kingdom of the antichrist, the golden age of the gods.

The Pentagram

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The pentagram is linked with all of the previous symbols. It is another symbol that is used in reference to the Messiah but in reality is a counterfeit that points to the antichrist, the ‘god-man’ and the counterfeit kingdom of heaven known as the Golden Age of Saturn. The pentagram is a symbol tracing back to the hand. It is a counterfeit of the Hand of Elohim who is Messiah and is portrayed by the 'hand of mysteries.'

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The Fibonacci spiral is linked with the number 5 and the pentagram. The Fibonacci Spiral is also known as the Golden ration or Divine Proportion as it was used by the Most High in many of His works of creation. Hence, the counterfeiter seeks to use this proportion to glorify himself over God.

The pentagram was also used in ancient times to represent Jerusalem. This points to Revelation 11 and the description of Jerusalem as Sodom & Egypt. Jerusalem above versus Jerusalem below...

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The rose symbol is linked to the pentagram. The rose has been an ancient symbol pointing to the 'divine feminine.' It is a symbol of the great mystery of the ancient mystery schools. Men becoming gods.

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The crescent moon is linked to the pentagram and displays that Islam is also a religion that traces back to the mysteries.

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Bhudda and Baphomet, an image made famous by the Templars, is linked to the pentagram as well. Baphomet represents transformation. Man becoming god.

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Freemasonry's blazing star is described in same instances as the pentagram and is a link between the pentagram and the hexagram.

The pentagram is most famous today for its use in witchcraft and the occult. This traces back to its use in magic and the occult going back to the days of Solomon and beyond. Ultimately, the image of the pentagram represents the union of opposites. The joining of man and god.

Mark of the Beast the Biblical Definition

Rev 13:16: "And the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the freemen and the slaves, it causes that they give to them all a mark on their right hand, or on their foreheads", Rev 13:17: "even that not any could buy or sell, except the one having the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of its name."

Rev 13:18: "Here is wisdom: Let the one having reason count the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man and its number is six hundred and sixty six."

In short the mark of the beast is a counterfeit of God (Isaiah 14:14). The Mark of God is His Word, His Image. The mark of the beast is his ‘word’, his image. The Tree of Life vs. the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. It is the mark of a beast and a number of a man. Man/beast (Genesis 3:1). Part man, part beast (angel/god Psalm 8:5 & Genesis 3:1). A mixture.

This is the definition of Babel of which we TRUE Christians are admonished to come out of (Revelation 18:4). Babel = mixture in Hebrew. To the Sumerians Babel meant Gate of God or Gate to God. This points to a false ladder to heaven seen by Jacob and referenced by the Messiah Yahshua. As you'll notice in this article these two choices will be seen over and over again. The Messiah Yahshua or the false Messiah. The word Messiah, or anointed one, further explains this concept. The Hebrew word for Messiah is moshiach from mashach which is referring to oil being smeared onto the heads of individuals who are selected as authority figures. The word Babel comes from the root ?? which is also the root for ??? which means to mix, mingle, to anoint. The third word translated from Hebrew into the English word anoint is 'yasak' which comes from the root ?? which means an image, as in molten metal poured into a mold to form a cast object. Here, in the word anoint, is seen the message of this entire article. There are two "anointed" ones/messiahs/christs that man can choose from, just as there were two trees in the Garden to choose from. Which Messiah one chooses determines what image that person will be formed into. Which image one is formed into determines eternity. Formed into the image of Messiah Yahshua unto eternal life, or formed into the image of the beast unto eternal damnation.

The adversary desires to be like the Most High. In Hebrew, the phrase ‘like Elohim’ is equivalent to 666. This is the first use of the phrase and sets the stage for the rest of Scriptures as to what the mark of the beast is. Partaking of the tree of knowledge of good and evil to be 'as God' 'knowing good and evil' so that 'ye shall surely not die.' This is the lie that the adversary spoke to the first man and woman and it has been passed down through all religious institutions ever since.

Gen 3:5: "for God knows that in the day you eat of it, even your eyes shall be opened, and you shall be as God, knowing good and evil."

The word mark comes from the Hebrew word Tav Eze 9:4: And God said to him, Pass through in the midst of the city, in the midst of Jerusalem, and mark (tavah) a mark (tav) on the foreheads of the men who are groaning and are mourning over all the abominations that are done in her midst.

The above verse is speaking of the mark of GOD which is put on the righteous. The mark of the beast is a direct counterfeit of this mark. The root word for mark is a picture of an ox plowing toward a mark. In ancient Hebrew thought, Elohim was seen as the strong ox that we are yoked with in covenant relationship. The word for mark is a picture of walking with your Elohim toward your mark/goal (Philippians 3:14). Walking with Messiah (Mat 11:29) towards the Kingdom of Heaven or walking with the adversary towards sheol. This is what Paul was alluding to in his letter to the Corinthians.

2Co 6:14: "Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership does righteousness have with lawlessness? And what fellowship does light have with darkness?" 2Co 6:15: "And what agreement does Christ have with Belial? Or what part does a believer have with an unbeliever?" 2Co 6:16: "And what agreement does a temple of God have with idols? For you are a temple of the living God, even as God said, “I will” dwell in them and “walk among them, and I will be their God, and they shall be My people.” Lev. 26:12; Ezek. 37:27

2Co 6:17: "Because of this, “come out from among them” “and be separated,” says the Lord, “and do not touch the unclean thing,” and I will receive you." Isa. 52:11

2Co 6:18: “And I will be a Father to you, and you will be sons” and daughters to Me, says the Lord Almighty." 2 Sam. 7:8, 14; Isa. 43:6

The letter ‘ ?tav’ in pictograph form is two crossed sticks which has the meaning of a covenant. We can choose the covenant of Life in Messiah Yahshua (Isaiah 42:6; 49:8; Zechariah 9:11; Jeremiah 31:31; Matthew 26:28) or we can choose the covenant of death (Isaiah 28:15) which promises deliverance from death (ie the tree of life) but in reality leads to "eternal death" hell.


In summary, the mark of the beast is his image, his name/character placed upon his followers. Just as believers in God are marked/sealed with His Name & will be formed into His Image by His Holy Spirit. The first choice man had to make was between the tree of Life (symbolic of Christ and God's Holy Spirit or the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (symbolic of Satan the Devil). This will be the last choice man must face as well.

By allowing Scripture to define what the mark of God is and what the mark of the beast is, and by following the facts through history one can see that there has only been two choices all along. Salvation by grace and obedience to God through faith in His Son the Messiah Yahshua or salvation by 'works' or 'knowledge' that must be attained by graduations and "degrees" (as in Bachelor's and Master's Degree and 33rd Degree) after being initiated.

In the beginning, the family of God Elohim created man in His image and likeness. After man fell in the Garden, the promise was that He would restore man back to that estate by taking upon Himself the punishment for man's sin. It is then that mankind will be restored to the image and likeness of the Most High. The adversary seeks to be like the Most High so his desire is to see mankind formed into his image and likeness. In the end this may be accomplished by corrupting the seed of those written in the book of life which is our DNA. Which Satan did when he impregnated Eve with his seed in the person of Cain. And in most recent times via the COVID 19 vaccine.


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