Just walk the talk.
Akash Jaiswal
Author of "Zero To Everyone" and Amazon Bestselling Book "I Too Can Create" | GTM Customer Success specializing in LEC at Synopsys Inc | Formality Project Lead
“The day you start institutionalizing “Walk the talk” life shall show the dream to reality path.”― Dr V V Rao
Have you ever looked at a bodybuilder and imagined the physique you wanted in life? You may have followed the same routine each year, making the same New Year's resolutions, but you were never successful. It's not because there's no drive in you. It's because you don't care about your words. You use your words very carelessly. That is why I like those people who go to the gym and workout daily they are doing because they said the word "I too can"
“You can’t be living always in the promise of the clouds; it must rain now. Leave the talking and live by walking… It will yield an indelible impact!”― Israelmore Ayivor,
When you commit to something but then procrastinate, you are just talking the talk. You are just saying the things you would do but never taking any steps to make any positive progress on them. just like making fake promises to yourself. "Walk the Talk" means actually doing what you said you were going to do. That is what we miss most of the time, and then things are not progressing our way.
When it comes to following through on what we say, most of us are pretty good at it. We know the importance of keeping our word and we understand the consequences that come with not doing what we said we would. But there are times when even the best of us falter when, despite our best intentions, we find ourselves unable to follow through on a commitment.
There has never been a legend who has backed down from his own words. There are some people who believe that legends are true, and that words have power. These people often think of words as spells, and they use them to try to control the world around them. They believe that if they say something with enough conviction, it will become reality.
While this may seem like a far-fetched idea to some people, there are others who believe in the power of words so strongly that they have dedicated their lives to studying it. And there is evidence to suggest that words can have an impact on the world around us.
When you really think about it, every action begins with a thought or a word. You might not always be able to see or feel the impact your words have, but that doesn't mean they're not there. Every time you make a commitment and follow through on it, you're reinforcing the idea that you're someone who can be trusted. And trust is something that's essential in any relationship.
So next time you find yourself struggling to follow through on a commitment, remember why it's important and think about the impact your actions will have on those around you. Then take a deep breath and do what you said you would.
“Don't preach, just set the example. You will influence more people through your actions than your words.”― Germany Kent
I will be sharing the method I followed in my content creation journey in my upcoming book, "I Too Can Create."
If you are thinking to start content creation, DM "content"