Just upgraded my operating system!

Just upgraded my operating system!

Just got to update my operating system! Ubuntu 19.10 (Eoan Ermine) I've been using Linux for about 20 years. I got into it originally because my windows computer gave me an error I didn't know how to recover from, and I discovered this system that was part of the commons, something that anyone could access, modify, redistribute, and a system that was high quality on top of that. More than that, I discovered a world on the Internet where a group of people spread out all over the world, were turning copyright on its head, even coining the term copyleft. In a world that is increasingly using software and media, so too does the influence software has on our lives. The system has several advantages, like protection from viruses, software that is free and that can be modified, software that is up to date that can run on really old hardware. Linux is particularly good as server operating system and a lot of the Internet is built on it. The drawback is that relatively few people use it as a desktop operating system. I've got mine set up to work with a VPN to do my city business, it houses a database that I use to better communicate with my constituents. The best skill I learned from using the system was how to do full system backups and recoveries so that I know that if I want to experiment with the system, I always know I can go back to a working version and I can move that whole system from computer to computer relatively seamlessly. With that peace of mind I've learned how to use computers in ways that I would not have had the courage to learn otherwise. Have you ever had a chance to work or play with Linux?


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