Just a tour of perspective without a noteworthy, real oneChoreography resp. Blame
Aris Arjuna Noorsanto
Bio: Computing and skills to create a network relation as a DevOp for common electronic data-systems: Windows, Linux, Apple (Mac IOsX), Android, HTML5, Image Editing, 3D Raytracing, Audio & Mastering
From: LOOPCORE ~ media.designerSent: Thursday, 4 February 2021 10:50
I write with passion. Please see my personal text as a like oneTrustful tour through the synapses capital from my leadership. Also pleaseImmediately mute all mobile phones and digi-dictators ... Please follow me into the wondrous world where I think, ooh? What should dat nu hi fully crass roughgo out, Digga? Old Swede, respect whoever planes himself, because Spahn likes that as long as it doesit is not interrupted in the word, as a recommendation!
Wow, everyone is like mom. Papa too, yeah
As with nuts, when a fever reaches 39 + -2 like a "lemming up the hole" andclimbs down. Honesty is simply not a subject like one, according to Omi's recipeBring the drink of old camels to the boil while home office standardized in the cameragrinning make your boss happy, because you're happy to have a bosscloser to cannon fodder persé himself multitasking for his incredible commitmentto preserve self-interests like an eco-nominee who justifies all remorse,contrary to active or passive manpower conditioning, this is called flexibility,But even for that there is the beautiful trigger word that penetrates the bone and marrowquickly hit on the existential criticism of other competitors, because the Nazi club is already thereillegal and should be clear to everyone, so grandpa is probably reading FakeNews again, "War in theDiaper "to stochastic praise -" We ham you liab. Shall we give you a taxi?Call the retirement home, but please pay yourself, I need Internet credit like a blessingmy hope. You grab the chaka, nobody is afraid of death, but death willmade easy. When everyone loses hope and culture becomes an embarrassment elsewheremutated into propaganda and politics turned out to be a lot of colorful pills to cheer up and cheerimpromptu with a daring FF mentality ... oh sorry FFP2 mentality (but withoutAir filter ... that's what I am told - I think AS PLEASE?) No wonder that foreignBachelor conditions rather in the pastry shop for cake leftovers in the evening with the poorBelonging to the panels and HighSociety seems amused above brexit is cubism dialogism isround about - don't shout (or I call the Fake Politics in yourself as attributed by assigns andmention that, don't think - just breath.) ", I say so unconsciously stochastically to myselfmentally with my focus on the now essentially discussed minds of apparentlyassigning all innocents to capitalism, without background thoughts I workafter a very sociable and also very open-minded concept, where I meet suchDeceptions and misunderstandings but then also not somehow choreographically to myselfDefinition of all arbitrariness here can make a crony and please really notwould like, (because that will) only gradually increase my constructive motivationPersonal opinion immediately misinterpreted and doubtfully misinterpreted as an opinion without a censusunfortunately not immediately with constructive criticism, even if I feel like aTree students amid bonsai spirits without Zen but with Namaske, because I know Indiancook as much nonsense provoked around his disciples as Buddha in 10 minutes Lies to pay them and now WE too? somehow produced (provoked). Theit's a shame:
I'm just repeating what I learned: The Nobel Prize winner from Madison in the United States, a Nobel Prize winner named Khorana, was one of the pioneers in DNAResearch what further research first adenine, thimin, cytosine, guanine with theRespective reciprocal molecule experiments of ribonucleic acid in formation like aMovement if possible always to 77
to 1/2 = 1 * 2/45 = 9/1 | * 9 = 6/78 * 2-3 = 4 + 5 = 10x
So 5 to 12 is always easier to get up than 12 to 5 ... I'm still sleeping ... * Right? * . . . So and please don′t get emotional feedback please. I instantly and cosistently all time just giving an enormous flow of transformational energy to absolutely EVERYONE with or withoutParticipation justifiably so again as if I were just a "GLOBALIZATIONINTERPRETER " may observe. Drive a consensus here, possibly inspiration for social joy and familiarityGratitude that other people, despite all the rhetoric, follow the work rhythmroaring horse's mane can as soon as possible never be harnessed to the cart,because it is "exciting". Wow, "tru-man show" becomes "virus-on the go" ... ainsatiable struggle of ignorance against superficiality, one acts as thanksgender-neutral princess with agent-like combat experience in the adversaryPerspective of all fellow human beings. Thank you very much.
Where am I. In the madhouse. Oh yes. I think I'm not here because I'm not supposed to be here - because nobody WANTS me understand. ITS SUNNY. Tomorrow there are flat jokes with flounder bag potential, etc. butin the evening everything does not matter us, NO better still I am still alive, I am grateful to God ... mhmm amam I a god myself? Father forgive me, out of boredom I think too much about nothing.
My briefly wanted Fault-pax par excellence tre chic, cest-ca ... et là est lalala ... mhm? (UseI only have to breathe, because whenever no one believes me that I breathe air, that all need, then I realize that this is possibly only sellable to raise awareness: I HAVE THE SATISFACTION OF LIFE, NOT WORRY I AM WORRY... and then exciting moneyspend where intellectually slowly but surely I'm running out of breath. Digital Empire forResident: Genders are neutral and I don't know if I'll have one in 10 months lost a daughter or wanted a son ... as a man I am now simple par excellenca one "Nostradamos Non-Conclusion " contrary to the Baroque period and antiquity? I hope not. Because you see: I am figuratively a little bit off track of what is going on here in words and textothers offer for dear money, they all survive. At the moment I live on just under 248, -€uroHyper M*ndFuck Coins that you love and wise me - I'm really grateful, because I have already enormously lovesick. And there are 250,- coins really almost too much for them Stupidity that I want to suffer like a martyr, because that's no fun like that because family? Everyone fell asleep, huh? Foot fetishists and necromancers everywhere the eye looks. And if my unborn Lesbos warrior princess is badMath grades for the Walddorf School secretly prepared, then it is probably tooObviously, a petting zoo is also the lint filter in the tumble dryer evolution from experience anger ... oops
And I emphasize again: I am not advocating any individuality here, I still search a NEW CONTEXT without CONSENSUS. Because after a year only every time Omit algorithms through Artificial Intelligence and the population and focus on To abuse the global Achilles' verse as a barker, unfortunately I have to say directly:
Latin 26 ^ 2 = 676 -10 commandments; for so pray for the messenger, for he don't know what he's looking for. Possibly his brain. He has the brain for that. Or does Albert Einstein not betray the idleness of all social ties to 1/10 of 100 points and ultimately becomes a martyr of a creative as a nuclear weapons lobbyist. Missing target compromises, it seems (to me; ui .. pardon, I don't count. I amcurrently frozen professionally. And people out there want to help me, Chinese To make mass products palatable because India is too stupid with the stuff through spirituality encouraged all Europeans to sell - Namaste, cool I'll get one on themMask.~ Om is Shalom too, Zen is (Big) Ben, does it beat 13? By doing everything imitate what everyone imitates and can be imitated. AMEN!
Yeah, so much irony and sarcasm, as a pensioner I would go straight away ... *sigh*
..oh us I think myself. Please don't use empty phrases, I'm still patient It has never been torn for a long time, because also a single DNA sequence chain of every personis always on average 1 meter and 50cm long ... but has nothing to do with social distancing to do but more with mind-bending vs. business is not a show, you are not plantfarming the fieldmachine as like a carwash session once as Neanderthal dealed with impressions against othersto show something keeping valuable attentions, so all should attribute that - how they do? doesn′t matter mainly but it worked somehow over generations till to evolution keeps a change; but the show must go on, to keep business as busy as if it's foreveryone a OneMan Show - always with a completion to HappyEnd by MoneySent. And sincethere is a little catch in the market economy, your wonderful representatives and Representatives of all parties without assignment responsibility, but one almost brazen Bringing unimagination to light, as if it were consciously based on the illustrious Borgouism got bored as an elitary consumer of somehow really tingles in the media veins, something sometimes as casual as magic from the air, far-reaching but still gloriously ironic To offer sarcastically to everyone, each reflecting this: "What do you all want, I ambut always the epitome of collateral damage. Male / Female / Queer, they may can do anything with my acknoledgment as I have my peace and quiet and others have my headaches, why not me thencan be grateful, at least like a social crash test dummy, to weigh everything and howcushion a light spring. My wallet is only there for this, yours To give everyone as much freedom as possible with didactic identity flat rateswith guarantee of reversal but I only know the point-of-no-return from toilet jokes that animate to hamster purchases. I'll say again, it seems funny out there, the company of artificial ones For SELL intelligence through power games as fun.
PS: And here no discuss (in need) please just let all done like a kindergarden disco(mission). Irespect everyone inherently. But I don't use honor to adapt to that as I keep to myself truly when I want to give a compliment what I mean honestly in my heart for a long timeshould linger.
OK, guys and gals, I should do now point pasta-fries-deTerre forming virus enorming crossing see'r'us hasta la vista ce la vi mon amis
I know too. Was just an approach of choice of words and joke. No joke
When I can gratefully grasp minimal optimism because I don't admit itwant to follow a random direction that somehow doesn't suit me, then I amautomatically not a revolutionary, because I think and only that is without me (known from:Acta etc ... so the die is ALWAYS cast as 42; because 2 play tricky around 4 walls) Whoalready wants to go public ... Sorry, the jester looks like the king. So you won't recalibrate a queen amused ...
#digital #empire #social #mind #set #input #output#stack #hack #needle #check #copycat #equip #warfare #business #itscene #hipgirl #quotient#eloquent #divergent #public #trumpeachment #sensible #language #consolidation#argumentation #ignoration # fake-is-social # distance-means-respect #angelchanneling#hypeworlds #youthkill # cultural-demon #mirror #mindbending #true #quantum #eloquentio#massives #votum #masse-ist #geldklasse #genderfluss # innovation-via-controlled-social media corruption
NOTE: 11 COMMANDMENT - Never do homework for another
personLOOPCORE media.development web.screen outlook.comVisit website: //loopshape.de/
Bio: Computing and skills to create a network relation as a DevOp for common electronic data-systems: Windows, Linux, Apple (Mac IOsX), Android, HTML5, Image Editing, 3D Raytracing, Audio & Mastering
3 年image(c): Buddhism Society for Ancient Mediation ancient.culture@India / autor unknown