just too cold on MARS
…too cold on Mars!
I guess I peeked too soon. I mean, it was 17 years ago when I was researching and promoting the ills of global warming, going on to produce audio and radio docos on the subject. I moved on; never uncaring, just everyone else seemed to catch up - and got it. Well, most of us anyway – those we vote into power to spend our hard-earned cash wisely - do not. This week’s arrogant continuation of coal-based-business as per usual by the Federal Liberal Party probably won’t surprise many, but what of the National Party supporters? Really? Why are they so willing to ignore the facts as their land shrivels up, and blows away, smothering our fragile reef systems. Do you remember Ben Elton’s ‘Stark’?
Okay, you can argue that the warming trend post-industrial revolution is ‘a la naturale’. The Romans were growing wine in Cornwell before things frosted over again, and there’s always the fear of the reappearance of an all-conquering, off-script ice age to drag us all asunder. Yep, volcanoes along our tectonic plates continue to belch with vigour, helping to keep things ‘3rd position from the sun’ nice and cosy. But please take heed, things have never warmed so quickly before, it’s just a fact, just plain simple science screaming out “CO2 emissions act as a blanket, trapping in warm air above the surface of our planet!” It’s a simple formula, no smoke and mirrors here – well, at least if you don’t have a short-sighted political or economic agenda in the barrel.
While we continue to drag out the triffids by the roots (Queensland in particular) while sacking biodiversity; soiling the ill-oates of farty-pants bovine, and a few other methane gurgling livestock species to the slaughter, we are saying farewell to the majesty of life on this planet. And for now, Mars is just too cold and distant for us to escape to. But yes, as long as these conservative right wingers have their day in the glittering suburbs - where the sea breeze expels the lament of smog and scorching heat from their doorsteps……
…when will we stand up in favour of life; when our politicians decide the pestilence might actually encroach on their future lineage…well, it already has…and the conservative’s lack of action and investment in sustainable energy is nothing more than an act of continuing arrogance and greed… so until then, when it’s just too bloody late…and yes, Mars will still be too bloody cold!