Just in Time for Advent
A stellar review of The Gospel According . . . to Mary by internationally renowned Marian scholar Rachel Fulton Brown's posted at Foreshadow Magazine by editor par excellence Josh Seligman.
Click on. . . https://www.foreshadowmagazine.com/magazine/category/review. . . to experience Fulton Brown's amazing insights.
Posted along with her review are two Christmas poems: "kneeling at the Manger" found on page 60 in TGATM (1st published in The Christian Century) and "gazing at My Son," written specifically for this posting. To read them both, just click on . . . www.foreshadowmagazine.com/magazine/category/poetry
Blessings as you let these celebrations of our Savior's Birth lead you through Advent into the Christmas Holy-Days.