JUST IN TIME (ジュストインタイム)―Efficient Inventory Management in Japan
Helen Xavier
JLPT N2 - Japanese Interpreter and Translator .Automotive| Presently - Educator and Japan education and Work Guide | Japanese Interviews Preparation and Effective Resume Reviews. Aspiring Ghostwriter
Today lets see about JIT or Just In Time (ジュストインタイム)
This term Just In Time (ジュストインタイム) is also frequently heard during meetings where people are concerned and discuss about prevention of stock(inventory), Time expenditure and costs and ensure efficiency of the work. ?The whole body of what we know or speak about as Japanese perfection, efficiency and prevention of surplus stocks, time consumption and expenditure of energy….is based on JIT!
This term pertains to a management strategy which is based on “reducing inventory and improving efficiency.” (In quotation as the phrases is used commonly in all literature I researched.)
Definition of Just In Time (ジュストインタイム)
In industries, this is used to cut down inventories and reduce time and effort and finish work efficiently.
In industries, many parts or buhin are made or purchased from vendors and suppliers for the production. These parts are often purchased for a month or for a production cycle of a certain time.
But the problem is storage and ensuring the parts are not damaged during the period of lying in storage. If the parts are purchased for say a 3 months period, its likely there may be damages during storage like rusting, deformations, dents, breakages, leaks etc.
This leads to spending time to study the damage, its causes, questioning people, and educating or if the damage is unrepairable, to trash it. All of this requires costs-Money!!
Just reading this passage may make one sigh! After all the effort of procuring parts, is a waste!! Industries now rely on the Just In Time (ジュストインタイム) Inventory system.
Just In Time (ジュストインタイム) refers to getting the required things(parts), when required and in volume required.
Simply put – Buy it when you need it. Do not store!
How Just In Time (ジュストインタイム) inventory System came about?
The story again starts in Toyota Motor Company in Japan. The JIT concept stemmed from the Purposive Operation viewpoint of Toyoda Kiichiro, the founder of the Toyota Motors company, which gave birth to the phrase PRODUCTION SYSTEM- now well known as the Toyota Production System.
Movement of things(parts)
The basic concept of the Just In Time (ジュストインタイム) is about avoiding haphazard inventory and having only the required(limited) number of people, do the work with the required(limited) equipment with the required(limited) stocks and, within the required(limited) time period, thereby ensuring an efficient production.
During a production process, there are a lot of process from the placement of order to the delivery. This increases the Leadtime (It is the time taken from the start of work to the completion of work and used in Production, Movement and Development industries). Longer lead times are accepted by customers for high class niche items, but is frowned upon if it got produced in large quantities as a waste of opportunities.
Further the estimated production ?take place but looking at from a financial perspective, the longer lead times would mean longer time between the investment and return and hence is considered cash flow loss.
?Movement of Information (Kanban Method)
Kanban is a Japanese Scheduling which is used along with Just In Time (ジュストインタイム) and developed by an engineer in Toyota named Taiichi Ohno to improve manufacturing efficiency.
This system notes the lead and cycle times and then held find the upper limits of the work-in-process inventory to overcome overcapacity.
(This topic will be dealt with next week)
?Merits of Just In Time (ジュストインタイム)
1. Reduces Waste – Eliminates excess inventory and over stocks of parts. Eliminates the of storage of unsold parts left unused.
2.Efficiency Improves- Reduces the cost of procurement, storage, and management of parts.
3. Improves Productivity- Time and resources having been reduced, productivity improves. Faster implementation of product Changes and prevent product damages.
4. Optimizes Productivity- Reduced bottlenecks delays in the production cycle by reducing defects and automation.
5. Reduce Costs Reduces the cost of procurement and storage. Reduced Labour costs as only few people are required in JIT system.
6.Improve Quality- As only few products enter the shop floor, there is scope for improving quality.
Demerits of Just In Time (ジュストインタイム)
1.There is a probability of Stocks getting over as only required number of parts are purchased.
2. When it’s planned to implement JIT in entire factory, there is a concern of costs going up. This aspect contradicts JIT.
3.There is necessity that the prime contractor and sub-contractor are in consensus. Else there is a chance of the subcontractor being bullied by the prime contractor.