Valson Thampu
Valson Thampu
The professional trick of priests is that they destroy the inherent (and true) worth of everything, and substitute it with what they invent. ?Consider the following examples-
1.???BIRTH. It is not enough that you are born. Your worth has no ‘religious’ (read, priestly) significance unless the priest performs a ritual called ‘baptism’ over it. With that, the role of your parents is side-lined. Notice that in infant baptism, the parents are side-lined. Why should god-parents have –have you ever wondered?- a central role and real parents nudged to the side-lines of the baptismal service? The logic is simple. That is a priestly trick. [Imagine the lie that godparents will take more interest in the spiritual nurture of infants than parents! And how many Christians –goodness me – swallow this nonsense!] Birth, as God’s implicit affirmation of faith in life, has no worth for priests. (As a rule, priests are irrelevant to whatever has intrinsic value.) It has to be ascribed, or given, significance by priests via baptism. Through this priestly ritual –which has nothing to do with the baptism of Jesus, unlike what is falsely claimed by churches – you are supposed to be ‘born again’ as a spiritual being. With that, you become somebody in the eye of God. Otherwise you don’t exist for God. Imagine the knavery of suggesting that a new born infant born dead will go to hell for not being baptised by priests! What a mean-minded lie!
2.???MARRIAGE.?Marriage, according to the book of Genesis, is the mysterious experience of two individuals –man and woman-?becoming ‘one flesh’. It has profound intrinsic significance. But that will not do for a priest. He must put his stamp of control and authority on it. So, unless he marries the man and the woman, their married life has no worth. Rather, it is sinful. He claims this presumably in the name of God. But think of God and the Holy Spirit being under the control of priests!?In the only picture of wedding we have in the gospel (John 2) the priest is conspicuous by his absence. The spotlight is on the spirit of celebration. Marriage is a divine mystery of intrinsic significance. It is a celebration of life. But that will not do for priests. Unless they put their stamp on it, marriage is not marriage. It is sin.
3.???DEATH. Death is a profound aspect of life. But, again, to priests death has no intrinsic significance. Rather, it is sinister. So, they must come and put something priestly on it. Imagine the last unction, administered by the priest, sending the dying soul on a smooth after-life journey to heaven, irrespective of how he or she lived! Can you imagine a greater lie than this?
In light of the above my readers can readily understand why priestly control and hegemony over Christians stands on birth, marriage and death.
The pattern common to these three instances is: priests substitute true and innate significance with something of their invention.?THIS MAKES US FEEL THAT THEY ARE INDISPENSABLE IN RELATION TO THESE NODAL EVENTS IN HUMAN LIFE.?
Almost every Christian I know FEARS that the worth of everything religious about their life will be destroyed unless priests are made central to these events.
Consider this most ridiculous thing. You buy a car. You get it blessed by a priest. You FEAR that unless this priestly protection is cast around your car, ?accidents will befall you. You have to be particularly idiotic to believe that priests have anything to do with the logic of traffic, or how others (most of them non-Christians) drive their vehicles.
I know I run serious risks in unveiling the truth. I am already maligned as a priest-hater. If truth is the enemy of priests, I merit this calumny. But, this too illustrates what I have stated above. To those who listen to priests and bishops about me, I have no intrinsic worth. I have only the worth that priests and bishops are pleased to grant to me. I am determined to reject this atrocity and inhuman falsehood.?