Just a Thought
Here’s a thought for you.
If you knew the outcome of a foot race would you have even put on your shoes? Isn’t it the challenge, the discovery, the inherent mystery of life that makes us climb the mountain? If you knew you were going to fail at a relationship would you have even tried? People often say things like, “I didn’t expect my life to turn out this way”. We are but explorers in life. Each one of us is on a personal journey to find fulfillment, to find peace. Having a passion for overcoming an obstacle, exploring the unknown, or solving a mystery is what drives our own personal success. Success comes in a rainbow of colors. Measuring your own success against that of those around you may not be the best barometer of what you have accomplished. As a species we are competitive creatures by nature. Learning to turn that competitive spark inward is what makes a true champion. Focus on you. Focus on the now and dream about tomorrow. Yesterday is done. Look to the horizon and push through to the next day, to the next hilltop, to the next chapter of you.
Safe travels!