Just Sold - Dollar General Menlo, GA
I just completed the sale of the Dollar General building located at 8077 Highway 48 in Menlo, GA. There were 7 years remaining on the lease with Dollar General. I represented an out-of-state seller. The property was purchased by an Atlanta-based investment partnership. The sale was closed in June 2022.
I’m based in northwest Atlanta, and have 15+ years of real estate brokerage experience. I’ve helped clients sell and buy over $44M of real estate throughout Georgia. I have experience selling a variety of properties including residential single-family and multi-family, commercial income properties, retail, automotive and industrial properties throughout metro-Atlanta and north Georgia.
If you own property in metro-Atlanta or north Georgia that you are considering selling, please call me for a prompt, professional assessment of your property and allow me to show you how I can assist you in a successful sale.
Chad Manion, Broker | Manion & Company | 770-778-5904 | [email protected]