Just Smile
If you’re uncomfortable with your smile and cover your mouth or even worse, not smile at all then feel bad about not smiling, your missing out on the easiest way to feel better.
Your smile is your defining feature. Make it a great one. The benefits of smiling, even when you’re faking it, are enormous.
Smile and…
? your body releases cortisol that helps use sugar (glucose) and fat for energy and helps the body manage stress.
? your immune system smiles with you. A smile that comes from deep inside you boosts your immune system and relaxes your body.
? experience the magic of endorphins. Not only do they elevate your mood and lower your blood pressure, they also act as a natural pain reliever.
? serotonin constricts smooth muscles, transmits impulses between nerve cells, regulates cyclical body processes and therefore contributes to wellbeing.
? the tone of your voice tends to relax those you’re talking to - even on the phone.
? the chances are people will smile back. The benefit? You’ll both feel better.
? your life could change forever!