Just Smile!
As a self financed, non tech startup founder, one learns pretty quickly that your product and you are high on priority...only for you.
Coming from a conventional corporate structure, even mildly hierarchical, prepares you to eventually be the ‘boss’. You’re the strategist and your plans need to be acted upon on priority. Life as an entrepreneur, however, has its own rhythm.
While everything is on fire for you, the rest of the people you encounter have their own priorities. You have to learn to wait your turn, be patient and SMILE.
I feel it’s the only strategy that works. To start with it keeps you sane through the pressure. And, you end up making friends in the unlikeliest of places…all of whom help you navigate through the entrepreneurial journey in their own way.
People, I have come to realise, are generally helpful. Their efforts too need to be recognised. And, it all starts with a Smile.