The settlement has just taken place for this charming single level residence at St Ives. We sold it at the on-site Auction, where we had 7 registered bidders & 21 bids were made. It sold 'under the hammer' for above the reserve price & the underbidder missed out by only $5,000. The successful purchaser really likes the prime near level land & sought after location close to many popular schools (including Masada, Corpus Christi, St Ives High School & St Ives Public School). Also its a short drive to St Ives Shopping Village & many great cafes. We have several serious buyers who missed out & they are ready to purchase over the coming weeks. Contact me on 0418 767 150 if you are thinking of selling or would like a free market appraisal of your property.
#realestate #justsettled #sold #soldatauction #collegecrescent #stivesproperty #northshoreproperty #kurringgaiproperty #masada #corpuschristi #stiveshighschool #stivespublicschool #stivesshoppingvillage #firstnationaljohnson