Just a Ramble from a Dinosaur

We are all experiencing economy-crushing, culture-ravaging ideologies brought about in some cases by science perverted by corrupt scientists and virtue-signalling bureaucrats. Couple this with several generations of people who lack the emotional fortitude to survive the slightest pin-pricks of reality that life can bring, and the scene is set for a road to oblivion.

Decision-makers are clever (corrupted) enough to recognise the inherent weaknesses of these ever-capitulating generations, and use their emotional/mental vulnerability to virtue-signal and attract them to the flame whenever possible. By appeasing these lamentable ‘sheep’ who can only survive when hidden in the safety of a self-serving, ideological collective, the bureaucracy guarantees their power and longevity.

The bureaucracy even goes as far as creating laws that support this appeasement so that they can maintain their power and satisfy their narcissism. The rest of the community that has retained some semblance of fortitude, stoicism, self-reliance, and enough self-esteem to not become ‘offended’ or ‘victimised’ at the drop of a hat, and who can see this charade taking place in front of them, have to witness and suffer from this economic crushing, freedom reducing laws and policies.

Those who have retained some semblance of reality and fight valiantly to not fall into the clutches of the lunatic movements of Climate Change, Stop Oil, Open Borders, Gender Dysphoria, Pandemic Treaties, Hate Crime, etc, are still part of the problem. Even in these despairing days of ideologues and the power grabs of the ruling elite, they continue to vote into power those party politicians bereft of any pragmatic responses and stuck in their own ideological collective.

There have been times in the recent past when communities were drawn together for a common cause, resilient in their response to the reality of life and willing to face these realities with fortitude and perseverance. A great author of the time wrote this about the community response in the UK in early 1941 to the unspeakable Hades of war. Note that it is this generation (aka “the greatest generation”) and their children (the “baby-boomers”) who are so reviled by today’s generations who wallow in victimhood, entitlement, and self-pity.

“I go about the country whenever I can escape for a few hours or for a day from my duty and headquarters, and see the damage done by the enemy attacks; but I also see side by side with the devastation and amid the ruins quiet, confident, bright and smiling eyes, beaming with a consciousness of being associated with a cause far higher and wider than any human or personal issue. I see the spirit of an unconquerable people. I see a spirit bred in freedom, nursed in a tradition that has come down to us through the centuries, and which will surely at this moment, this turning point in the history of the world, enable us to bear our part in such a way that none of our race who come after us will have any reason to cast reproach upon their sires.”

We are miles away from this culture here in the twenty-first century as too many succumb to the ‘Me Too’, ‘entitled’, ‘group think pathway to despair’ ideology. ??


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