Just pondering: If it is not broken, why fix it?
I was born into a Christian (Protestant) family and have lived my life as such. Considering many regions in the world are identified by religious affiliations makes me believe that most people are just what they were born into: Born a Catholic and live as a catholic; born a Muslim and live as a Muslim; born a Buddhist and live as a Buddhist, etc. There are few who convert into other religious groups along the way. I have personally toyed with affiliating with other religious groups but remain a protestant. I am thus inspired by the words of Paul, the servant of God, to the Romans: for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God [Romans 3:23 New International Version (NIV)] as I ponder issues related to the Christian faith, which might be off-limits. This however challenges my purpose for this life as a scholar. I am encouraged by the American Association of University Professors’ (AAUP) support for freedom of expression on campus but realize how broadly this could be contextualized and misleading. I am further encouraged by the pursuit of truth that animates the academic mission of Providence College.
I’ve been undecided for weeks in uttering my thoughts on an issue that seems to be off-limits. Untouchable! Unquestionable! I’ve been scared that in sharing my thoughts I might be muddling calm water. Hmm! Water is never calm in academia where we constantly in search for the truth even if it means muddling what needs to be calm. I’ve been stunned by the silence on the issue and wonder whether I am in the minority. I’ve always writhed from not stating what and how I feel even when silence seems to be in order. The worst I could be doing in referencing the untouchable is sinning. But I know there is always mercy that comes with that: “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (St. Paul in Romans 2:23)
Rev. Brian Shanley, PhD, OP will be gone as President of Providence College (PC), Providence RI. I was in a shock reading Rev. Brian Shanley’s message through a campus-wide mail that included the following excerpt:”
At the February Board of Trustees meeting, the Board Affairs Committee had recommended to the full Board that I be given a fourth, five-year term as President of Providence College. On Monday afternoon, I was informed by my Provincial, the Very Reverend Kenneth Letoile, O.P., that he will not make me available to serve an additional term as President. My tenure as President of PC, therefore, will end after 15 years on June 30, 2020.
I was tempted to tweet in the shortest characters possible to ask WHY but was reluctant as I read and reread the message to make sense of it. It seemed to be one of ‘don’t ask’ and forbidden areas. I held on to my thoughts and have been waiting for weeks to see if anyone would dare to ask the question. Yet, nothing. Really? Am I the only one eager to know WHY Rev. Brain Shanley will not be made available to serve an additional term as President? A President who has done so well at least in my almost nine years as faculty at this institution? And the Board Affairs Committee recommended to the full Board that Rev. Shanley be given a fourth, five-year term. Alright, the final decision is the Provincial, the Very Reverend Kenneth Letoile, O.P.
I am not sure if I am in the majority or minority of PC community shocked at the Provincial’s decision and hoping to read somewhere why Rev. Shanley will not be available after June 30, 2020. Given Rev. Shanley’s record in the past 14 years as President of PC including the initiation of PC200, the 10-year strategic plan that sets the stage for PC’s second century, I can hardly think of why he is not given another term. If the adage ‘unless it is broken don’t try to fix it’ applies here, I continue to wonder - what is broken? What needs to be fixed? This pondering mind indeed is eager to know.
I take this opportunity to thank Rev. Brian J. Shanley, O.P. for his service to PC embodied in his thoughtful ways and believe in creating a beloved community. I pray the next President will continue in the same spirit of creating a community where everyone and anyone will feel welcome and accepted.