Just plan to Floss One ??
If you don't currently floss your teeth regularly you should try to floss just one tooth.?? Once you floss the one you are infinitely more likely continue to floss the others.???
This is a great tip I learned when reading Atomic Habits.
Of course this approach can easily be adapted to virtually any habit you are trying to adapt.
For instance, if you're wanting to Learn HotStrings in AutoHotkey, you should just learn the basics of creating a HotString.? Not plan to learn every option available for it.? It's one of the reasons all of our AutoHotkey courses are broken down into small "bite size" videos that allow you to learn "One thing" when you have time.
Now on with the show…
??You'll never believe this?
I was watching an old Microsoft video with Bill Gates.? During his presentation he did something that blew my mind!? Check it out in this video.? Keep in mind, this was a long, long time ago!??
I never expected to see this in a Microsoft Video by Bill Gates
Now that you checked out that video, you might want to watch this one to see how you can recreate the magic with AutoHotkey
Intro to AHK v2 HotStrings Extract
Adding a ToolTip to a GUI
A couple of weeks ago Irfan, Isaias and I were in a team meeting and Isaias mentioned how "easy" it is to add a mouse-over to a GUI.? We all know that GUIs are Easy in AutoHotkey but I'm really glad I hit record because this as a great little lesson I captured in this video.
Adding a tooltip-MouseOver to a control in a GUI
Fixing Your Phone / Phone Link
Isaias and I both upgraded to Windows 11 and we both were disappointed when we realized our Phone Link tool wouldn't run properly.?? You see Phone Link (formerly named Your Phone) is a built-in Windows app that allows you to easily connect your Android phone to your PC.? (Apparently, in Windows 11 there is an update which let's you connect an iPhone).
Anyway, I didn't realize just how much I relied on the app until it was gone ??
I googled a lot and found a lot of "fixes" that didn't work.? Then, one of them finally did!?? I showed the approach to Isaias and, sure enough, it fixes his as well.? So, if you're having issues with Phone Link, be sure check out this video.
??From Frustration to Success: Watch How we Fixed Microsoft Phone Link?
?? What we're reading
?? AI / Chat GPT-3 News / Usage
?? Meta Just Blew Everyones Minds!
??Productivity tips: Parkinson's Law
The amount of work expands to fill the time available for its completion.? Force yourself to have deadlines to projects and, magically, it will get done!
?? A spot of Humor:? Hilarity ensues when a comedian uses charts!? Make sure you make it till the end!
AHK Hero ??
Consider joining the ??AHK Hero club! Members receive 25% off courses, consultations, tutoring, done for you project work, etc.?
They also have access to exclusive & pre-released content and a 3 hours a week where we help people with their AHK issues (the Saturday calls are geared towards people new to AutoHotkey.)
??? ?? Quotable quotes
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Joe, Isaias, Irfan, and staff
P.S. Learning AutoHotkey is a great way to "buy time".? Our AHK courses help you learn AutoHotkey however that's only one piece of it.? Talking to others, seeing what they're automating, is equally important.? It's one of the reasons our Hero members LOVE the AHK Hero group and I know you will to when you join.