Just Pedal
Ladey Adey
Is there a book in YOU? From idea to Amazon or Bookshop we Mentor you through each stage.
Ladey writes from a faith forward perspective on business and topical issues, helping Believers in today’s workplace and at home. She has openings in her speaking and coaching diary.
We come to the beginning of another month and do you get the feeling that time is slipping by? For me, I enjoy the turning of the seasons and whilst I feel that I am walking in God’s plans and making the difference that He has asked me to make, I am OK with it all.
I have had some déjà vu moments this week, as I brought out Unfrozen and began edits for a re-issue. They are not major things, but picking up typos and grammar errors which slipped through this time last year. Abbirose has also done a great job in improving the quality of the drawings. However, this time last year, I was finalising the first edition and panicing that it wouldn’t be ready to take to America! We are on schedule to visit Columbus, Ohio once more this year, though this time the process of editing is calmer and less frantic.
When I think back to one year ago, I had no idea that I would be returning with a new book in my hand, another in process and working side by side with my daughter Abbirose. WOW. It’s a huge adventure.
It is a lovely feeling of going somewhere more familiar (the shine of the first time has been completed) and Abbirose and I will be presenting Colours of Unfrozen on stage at the Igniting Soul’s Conference.
So how is it for you?? When does the new become more familiar and? do you find this an enjoyable experience? Contact me to let me know.
I know that I do not stay in one place (spiritually) for very long—usually because God has a bigger plan and He does not want me to get too comfortable! If I refuse to leave or expand my comfort zone, He will tip me out, rather like a grumpy teenager being tipped out of bed! I am not sure that God wants His children to feel comfortable 100% of the time. It is as though the human in me wants to achieve 100% comfortability whilst God is saying, “adventures are uncomfortable and if you want to follow me—come, follow and join my ‘uncomfortable’ ride”. Ultimately, it’s my choice and your choice—which will it be for you?
I am conscious of not being able to achieve everything on my own. Unfrozen and Colours of Unfrozen involve other people; proof readers, editors, type setters, publishers, printers, distributors, retailers and ultimately readers. The list goes on, some people I know face to face and others work behind the scenes, all helping me to achieve the production of a book to share with the world.
Or even when thinking of those involved in getting me and the family across the pond to USA, there are many people involved to make this happen. It is mind boggling how inter-dependant we all are.
What is it you are doing which involves others, to be part of the bigger scene? The interwoving of creating your vision and executing your dreams?
I came across this piece of writing many years ago when I involved in a sponsored cycle ride across Jordan. My adventure was in the Company of deaf people and we raised money for the National Deaf Children Society. We had the company of the BBC Camera crew too—but that’s another story. This poem or musing has done the rounds so much that the name of its originator has been lost. It’s called a Tandem bike ride with God, I it’s my pleasure to share this with you now. Just drop me a line [email protected] and I'll pass on a copy.