Just My Appreciation
I generally take Fridays to celebrate the victories of the week, and post about how great things have gone and where we are headed, or why a current issue is so important to the future of Pfane. But this week I find myself contemplating the sheer scale of work that needs to be done to transform the entire globe into a more circular and sustainable one.
With that in mind, and because my focus is on how to navigate numerous ideals, and challenges being faced daily by every company, every industry and every human, I find myself thinking more this week about the break-throughs the Pfane North America team has made in relationship building.
We've had several interactions with industry leaders and thinkers from some very impressive areas of government, retail, electronics and we have begun making some serious headway toward further achieving our future goals.
There have been so many doors opened this week, as well as new methods of onboarding suppliers, that are having a profoundly positive response from very influential people. These developments however, are not produced by myself. Although they may be in response to what I've helped guide through the last 6 years building and envisioning and developing a system that works and that is duplicable. It's not alone that Pfane will find success in becoming the smallest, largest circular CO2 negative refiner of electronic materials. I've come to the realization that all of this, Pfane, and other systems ni other industries like it, is just a small part of a very strong and very directed global push toward true sustainability.
I feel, and those who know me know I connect everything to how it feels, that we are beginning to cross a threshold now more than ever, and that as the world begins to turn more to a global conscious of planetary survival, we will all realize that we will achieve a future where those who are fighting to change current systems of greed and wastefulness are beginning to be catapult forward and exposed to a new and very promising future.
I've seen some very positive changes in many industries in the past few months, and I'm honored to have had the ability to both meet and speak with every supplier, buyer, investor, mentor, and colleague that we've spoken to over the last year. I'm more excited now, about the future of both Pfane and the planet, then I've ever been. I'm awestruck at the number of like minded highly influential people we've met, who understand that our business isn't just about the money (although an extremely important focus point), that our work toward saving the planet actually means more right now at this minute, then the financial goals we set. And that if we continue on this path, the meager goals we have set financially will be far exceeded over the years to come as we, Pfane becomes and integrated part of the new system of things.
I can't express in words or stories how that has made me feel this week. But I can say Thank you. To everyone who supports, and is supporting Pfane right now and in the future. You are all making a change in the world for the better. We can, turn the global catastrophes around, there is still hope and we will work harder than ever to get there. for the sake of future generations of human kind.