Just my 2 cents. Or is it yours being wasted by the others who haven't caught on YET?
As a landscape professional in central Texas nothing burns my internal knockout roses (my personal favorite) more than seeing foolish people with no knowledge of how to sustain our natural landscape pallets year after year continuing to waste money on WATER plus new grass where it just won't grow, gets too much traffic by dogs or humans, or frankly is just flat neglected or the wrong grass for the light and soil. It's a waste!!! Needless to say, I'm beyond proud of this company and local utility here! We were/are honored to help them convert to a #waterwise solution. If you don't know who #billengvall is; please look him up. Hilarious stuff! This picture should scream his famous tagline in your internal or external best impression voice. #heresyoursign Yes! A water supply corporation is going waterwise and it's brilliant! They don't need to spend YOUR/OUR money or PRECIOUS water on unnecessary vegetation that nobody cares about when they/we go to pay a bill or setup service. Not to brag but I was so pleased they loved our design plans and were 100% onboard to go #waterwise It's AWESOME! If it were up to me personally, all commercial businesses that aren't parks, recreational or hospitality/resorts should be required to convert in the same way with the exception of our blessings our shade trees. #artificialturf #erosioncontrol #driponlyplants