Just Live & Screw The Haters
-Karmen Feist ("The Feist Team sells the good life")

Just Live & Screw The Haters

Maybe you can relate, but our theme for this year is “just LIVE and screw the haters”.

I’m not sure why God keeps bringing this back in our lives but it seems like a recurring one at this point.

Can you relate?

I’m talking to you. All of you who are determined that this year will be a pivotal year for you.

You’re determined that at this time next year, some big things in life will be different.

Whether you’re going to start a business, buy your first house, or your first investment property or finally say screw this Wisconsin winter thing, I’m moving to Florida like every other sane person.

Ya, I get that there aren’t many ACTUALLY sane people in Florida, it’s a mystery I can’t explain.

But, seriously… what happens every time you try to do something hugely different?

First: You decide, then you FEAR.

Right? You start talking yourself out of it like you’re crazy. Like it can’t be done, or like it can be done, but not by YOU. Don’t listen!

Every single time a person decides to do something new, FEAR decides it’s going to be like the dumb-ass cousin who only shows up to create drama and dig up the past on their way through town.

Don’t let them in, let them find their way to your crazy in-laws.

Just answer the door, acknowledge that the fear is there and then move on. Don’t let it in.

Because seriously, have you seen some of those people who’ve done the things you want to do? I’m sorry but you are way more talented, and far less ignorant than they are. Am I right?

Second: You tell your mom, or your best friend or the cashier at the grocery store and they think you’re crazy.

And then, once again, you question yourself. Are you ACTUALLY crazy for thinking it’s possible?

Here’s what we’ve learned… you might be asking the wrong people the right question.

You see, if I was going to buy my first investment property, I’d probably want to ask other investors for their advice, not the lady at McDonalds.

If I wanted to buy my first house, I’d look for a mortgage broker and a real estate agent, not my parent’s who’d bought their first house for $12,000 (true story) and now think real estate is just too expensive.

And if I was going to go retire in Florida, I’d probably reach out to as many people as I could who’d done the same thing and see what their experience has been like.

The thing is, if you make the mistake of asking the wrong people, they may unintentionally destroy or derail your plans. Why? Because what you’re doing sounds crazy to them and they want to protect you.

It only sounds crazy to them because:

1. It isn’t their dream and they don’t understand you like you do.

2. They’ve never done what you’re trying to do.

That doesn’t mean you’re crazy, that doesn’t mean what you’re trying to do can’t be done. You’re not crazy and I fully believe whatever it is you’re trying to do this year can be done.

So, here’s my advice for anyone who’s still with me…

1. Once you’ve decided… take some sort of action towards it. Google it, buy a book about it, set up a meeting to interview someone who knows about it, hire a coach, start writing a business plan, etc.

2. Understand that the fear you’re feeling is simply your brains way of protecting you from the unknown. Your brain fears what it doesn’t know so it wants to keep you safe. For real. Just take it for what it’s worth.

Talk to yourself if you have to but do not give into the fear. Another thing you can do is write down what you’re afraid of. Study it.

What’s the wort that can happen if every bad thing you think could happen did happen, could you fix it? Could you live with it? When you write down your fears, you’ll likely see that first, they’re all pretty unrealistic, second, you’re fully equipped to deal with them.

3. Protect your dream. Don’t let anyone else have a say. Your dream was not meant for them, it was meant for you.

And there are people really close to you that will not see your dream like you do. And just like your brain, they’ll try to protect you and keep you in your safe bubble. Don’t let them in, until you have a plan.

4. And take some sort of action RIGHT NOW! Do something that will get the needle moving in that direction. Because you have a jigsaw puzzle of problems to solve and questions to answer between here and success.

And the thing is, you don’t even know what’s on all those pieces yet. Start by doing the next thing you know you have to do and do it. That will lead to the next and the next and eventually you’ll have all the right pieces to put the entire puzzle together.

As always, if we can help in any way, we’re always here for you.

Forever your cheerleader,



Karmen Feist, DC的更多文章

