Just a little push for Q4

Just a little push for Q4

?? "Ain't nobody stopping my shine..

Won't He do it, He said He would!

You gon' look back and be so amazed! How it turned out is only His grace." ??

Song by Koryn Hawethorne ft Roshon Fegan- Won't He do it

Just in case you don't see the light at the end of the tunnel, envision it. Envision being there where you want to be. Celebrate that moment! Your hard work has been rewarded. All the moments of anxiety, frustration, miscommunications, misguidance, misunderstanding.. All those moments where your patience was tested. Those moments when you thought, you got it right, but had to do it all over again. Those moments you just had to push through.. You did it! ?? Find strength in envisioning this. Then go back to the period of HOW you achieved to get there. Take your time to practice this. Enjoy it and motivate yourself with it.

If you need a little help with it, herewith a video (Dutch mixed with English) where I guide you through it. Upon request I can provide you with a guided and customized version in Dutch or English. Fill in this form to request your own version.

On a daily I am in contact with my surroundings. And when I say surroundings this could be a friend, family member, colleague, candidate, customer or a stranger. The difficult question "how are you?" gets you answers when you listen. Also when you don't ask the question. As I am honest about how I feel, I often open conversations. As a mom, an entrepreneur, a recruiter, an employee... I transform the words I hear to (life) goals. We all have certain desires. What I have heard recently:

"Everything that has been happening.. I am tired. It is enough." ? You want to find (mental) peace. You just want to be able to breathe for a minute.

"I am in a ratrace and I am not sure how to get out of it." ? You want to be in control of your daily life.

"I keep on working until my body screams at me to stop." ? You want to be able to set healthy boundaries and choose yourself over other things and people at times.

"I need to work smarter, not harder." ? You want more financial freedom.

"I recently moved to the Netherlands and I just need to start working. I am running out of my savings." ? You want to be able to provide for you and yours AND be of service.

"I want to work in the Netherlands or hybrid so I am checking my options." ? You want to expand your horizon.

"My rental contract is ending. I need a space ASAP." ? You want to fulfill a basic need of having a roof above your head.

And it goes on.. You need to fix things and find solutions ASAP. My question is:

How are you going to act upon your situation differently than you did before?

It's so important to check our mental state of mind while being in processes like this. The words we tell ourselves. Our acts based upon fear and impulses. Successful actors, athletes, artists, speakers invest in services to help them achieve these goals. Michael Phelps his coach was mentally prepping him for every swimming competition. He had to envision every stroke, his breathing techniques, how his body was going through the water.. details! By the time of the competition, he was fully prepared and his coach would say: "run the tape!" He won 63 gold medals during international competitions. Even when his swimming goggles were filled with water, he knew what to do and focus on. This is where I like you to get to. Obstacles and emotions will be there, but you can push through and I already see you doing it! I already see you at that finish line.

How can I help you on this journey? (Read: you and yours.. could be family, friends, co-workers, neighbours.. anyone)

I can be of service through the following:

? Host/moderator at corporate events (including mentally preparing speakers)

? Personalized affirmations, meditations and visualizations (NLP methods are used)

? Visionboard document workshops

?? [email protected]

?? 06 86 19 41 22

??? www.fftp.nl


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