Just a little extra

Just a little extra

Seems like we just celebrated Christmas and the New Year – and yet, next Tuesday is Fat Tuesday followed by Ash Wednesday and the start of Lent.

When I hear Fat Tuesday, I immediately convert that to Mardi Gras and think about the celebration in New Orleans.

From Mardi Gras my mind immediately goes to the Cajun-French word (completely unrelated to Lent or Mardi Gras) – lagniappe (lan-yap). Ever wonder what causes that kind of word association game to be played in our heads… (Focus Coach!)?

Back to lagniappe. Lagniappe is Cajun-French inspired noun that means “a little extra”; something good; anything extra, or better yet, something for free.

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Author David Cottrell related lagniappe to another concept – the Baker’s Dozen. The baker’s dozen originated from the old practice of bakers adding a thirteenth roll or loaf of bread to a batch of twelve sent to the king to prevent shorting royalty.

In customer service terms, lagniappe would be giving each customer just a little extra – a little more than they expected. For me it’s less about the extra “thing”, and more about your approach and attitude.

Lagniappe – it’s not even about Lent!

Your coach’s insight…simply put.


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Eric Anderson

Helping ambitious engineers and tech pros to elevate their career | Upgrade your Linkedin profile, CV/resume, job search skills, and interview performance | GET YOUR DREAM JOB | Message me now

1 年

I just posted on this . . . Lagniappe > ?apa > Yapa (Cajun-French > Spanish > Quechua)

Customer Service as a discipline is as challenging today as it has ever been. Check out our events page or website to learn more about our March 1 workshop on the keys to delivering consistent customer service - with just a little extra! ??


