Jonny Hopkinson
I 100% fund & manage 6-figure cash windfall campaigns for Experts, Coaches & Course Creators (& only get paid AFTER money hits their Stripe account.)
The very popular model at the moment is…
Build it once and then leverage the fucking shit out of it.
And it works for some people, obviously, depending on the dent you want to leave in the world.
But, I’ll have you consider that it’s not the most thriving environment you can create for your clients.
You know it, I know it, everybody fucking knows it.
Sure, it works well for the course creator or the “information publisher."
But, do you really just want the legacy that you leave on the world to be your bank account increasing at the cost of others...
...And that 1000’s of people bought your book, online course/product/service, but only a small fraction of them got the long term, life changing results you sold them?
I read a post the other day, talking about coaches/consultants/trainers being in the INFORMATION PUBLISHING business…
Hmm, doesn’t sit well with me that...
I’ll also have you consider that PUBLISHED INFORMATION is super fucking widely available.
You can Google "How to anything…" and find plenty of answers.
I would say, however, that coaches/consultants/trainers who give a shit about their clients are in the RESULTS GETTING business and understand you can’t AUTOMATE giving a shit.
Now, if we look at statistics we all know the number of people who buy a book, online program, course, even go to a seminar don’t usually get the long term life changing results they desire or were even hoping for.
You see I’ve found through my own experience that when using the internet to grow your business…
You can choose to be an “INTERNET MARKETER” who hides behind the GUISE of coach/consultant/trainer.
Going for the SCALE and AUTOMATION route.
Which is fine, no judgment here.
Or you can CHOOSE to be a COACH, CONSULTANT, TRAINER who uses the internet to COMMUNICATE a message that MATTERS...
...and shows the FUCK UP for the people they want to SERVE POWERFULLY.
Then from that place, CREATE long term, HIGH-VALUE relationships that are beneficial to BOTH parties involved.
In fact last week, I ended a working relationship with one of my clients after being with me for nearly four years simply because it was time for them to move on to something new.
Most people thrive to have clients stay with them for one year, it’s become like the HOLY GRAIL.
But ill have you consider that I’ve found the best way to build a sustainable service based business is to…
1. Build it on RESULTS rather than "client getting" tactics.
2. Create relationships that last the first 12-month contractual agreement and CONTINUE out of PURPOSE and MUTUAL benefit rather than front end recurring low-fees like some budget gym membership that’s forgotten about. (This is where financial stability is created without diluting your GENIUS)
And do you really think those high-value client relationships you’re looking create that invest FIVE even SIX figures with you are created from a BS TACTIC or using a term like “TRIP WIRES" (WTF)?
Come on dude, you know better than that.
It comes from who you are BEING.
Real relationship building will trump any form of automation.
I know that for me, I certainly don’t go looking to sign up to chat bot or email sequences if I want a problem fixing in my own life.
I find someone who’s talking about my problems and giving solutions by showing they can ACTUALLY fucking help me, not trying to demonstrate their “value” by selling me a $7 ebook.
I act in alignment and as the client who I want to have in my own business.
Your LIFE, your BUSINESS, your RELATIONSHIPS, your HEALTH even your BANK ACCOUNT is simply a REFLECTION of YOU and how you’re CHOOSING to show the fuck up in your REALITY.
If you’re not happy with where you’re at.
The hardest question to ask is…
"Well, why have you created it?”
Then the second question I'd ask is…
“How much longer are you willing to allow yourself to carry on experiencing it?"
Consider that you are the source of your experience.
If you're not happy with what you're experiencing then ONLY you has the power to change it.
So, if this post resonated with you at all, I’m looking for a few game changers…
Coaches, consultants, trainers who are READY to STEP UP and SERVE at a completely different LEVEL.
Who are looking to add MULTIPLE FIVE figures PER MONTH to their income by creating intimate client relationships, whilst enjoying a LIFESTYLE by complete DESIGN.
This means…
> More free time to be able to spend with your kids, your loved ones or just enjoying life.
> Premium fees and a monthly income of AT LEAST 40K per month.
> Working with ONLY ROCKSTAR clients that GIVE you energy EVERY SINGLE DAY rather than drain it.
> Becoming a BEACON of potentiality for your kids, family, loved ones and the people you were put on this planet to SERVE.
NOTE: This is IN PERSON work, and you must be willing to travel to my home in Leeds, UK.
No fucking hiding behind your computer screen or on group calls.
We’re gonna get to together, break down belief systems, shift paradigms and truly figure out that question you may have been struggling to answer “What Do I FUCKING Want My Life To Look Like?"
From there completely redesign your business model whilst shifting who you are BEING...
...so that you can build something that gives you freedom of TIME, MONEY & PURPOSE without selling your soul.
If you’re interested in learning more just shoot me a PM and let’s have a chat to see if we resonate.
J x
PS. This training opportunity is only for people who have the ABILITY to produce results for their clients and have done so consistently.
If you have that part covered, then let's talk.
Healthy Living Coach??Helping you to shine brighter by shifting your mindset & optimising your health?? #cleanliving is my mantra ??
7 年Great point of view ????